Prologue 2

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Fabio let his eyes drift over the class. It had only been half of a day, but he knew that these kids were going to be fun. They were currently eating lunch, and seemed to have split into groups. This was normal for elementary age school kids, but Fabio got the sense that there was something more than just making friends going on, so he looked closer.

Kana surveyed the class from the back, "A woman's intuition is going to be useful here" she thought to herself. Keia, Soren, Devin, and Haruka seemed to be getting along fine, but there was something off... no two things seemed off. Haruka was definitely putting up a façade. It had almost fooled even Kana, but she noticed it anyway. That smile. It's too real. And then there was Soren. Or maybe it was Keia. Kana couldn't tell which one it was, but their interactions seemed off somehow.

Soren smiled to himself. As soon as he had walked into the room, he had noticed Keia. She was quite pretty, so he had decided to take a risk and sit next to her. It turned out to be a good idea. He and Keia were deep in the middle of a conversation with Devin and Haruka when he realized that they was being watched. He looked behind him, straight into Kana's eyes. She didn't blink or look away, she just sat there staring.

The conversation died off when he looked away, but Keia broke the sudden silence.

"Don't worry about her, we can trust her."

"Trust..." Soren thought to himself "why would she worry about that?"

"Well, it's time for the rules everyone" Fabio interrupted the class.

Everyone looked at him. Silently.

Fabio smiled to himself. They must be so confused, "What rules," they must be thinking.

There are eight rules you must follow while you attend this class.

One – Whoever gets the lowest score on each test will be killed. If it is a tie, then you will play a simple game of rock, paper, scissors.

Two – The test will always be held on the last day of the month with no exceptions. There will only be one test per month.

Three – Everyone must take every test. No excuses, if you miss one for any reason, you will be killed along with the person with the lowest score. Along with this, Death is not a valid excuse for missing a test.

Four – If you are caught cheating, your grade will go down by 101%.

Five – One person MUST die after every test.

Six – School will be in session twenty-one days of each month without fail. Twenty of classes, and one of testing for 23 months.

Seven - You are not obligated to do anything other than take the tests unless you volunteer to. There will likely be a case where I, The teacher, need help setting something up. If that is the case I will ask for volunteers and if there are none, randomly choose however many I need.

For the first time, the class was shocked. Not just shocked, stunned, and even a bit scared.

"Killed? How?" Asked Kai.

Fabio just smiled. "The rules will be posted on the door to the classroom at all times. And just so you know, the rules cannot be changed, and will be enforced by me and me alone."

"Remember children, you cannot win against me. Not now, not ever."

After school ended, the kids took out maps. The maps were of the school grounds, and had been mailed to them a week earlier. The school included everything a normal boarding school would have, except there were only 25 students in the whole place.

The 25 of them walked up to the dorms together. After a few minutes, they came to a massive stained oak door. They pushed the door open, and as they did, their eyes grew wide. The room that they were now staring into was not merely large, but massive. 

The ceiling was 30 feet high, and it was at least 50 feet wide. About twenty feet up, there was a walkway that connected the two walls, and on each end of the walkway, was a door, and a staircase down to the lower level. There were two chandeliers, each made from gold, and holding real candles; and in the room below were three shelves full of books. 

There were couches and every other piece of furniture one could think of, but everyone walked past these treasures and up the stairs to the doors. One had a pink sign above it that said "Girls" and the other was blue, and said "Boys."

Inside each door was a small walkway with 30 doors leading off it into separate bedrooms. This was more than enough for each student to get their own room.

The rooms themselves need not be described to any extent other than to say that their quality was as that of the rest of the building. The only interesting piece of information that I could possibly give you is that there was a picture hanging in each room, and behind that picture was a small door, about the size of 2 flashcards put together, about six inches by five inches .

After getting settled in their rooms, they all went back out to the common area that they had first entered. Fabio was standing in the doorway when they got there. His eyes pierced right through them

You are free to go wherever you please whenever you please, just try not to miss the tests. We will be served three meals a day in the cafeteria at 7:00AM, 12:00PM, and 6:30PM. If you would rather go to a restaurant, or anywhere else for that matter, one of the school busses will take you, but only if you have at least twenty percent of the students on board.

Dinner is in two hours, and I do hope you all have a good afternoon.

25 students. 1 teacher. 1 Janitor. Not many people, but in 23 months they would graduate, whoever survived that is.

And thus the game, if you could call it that, began.

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