Mhm su hay

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Hallo Fishies. Mk so theres gonna be some rage in dis as well su just like be prepared for dis fishie outrage even doe I can't swear MWHEEHEHHE.

Lockers. I've waited 3 freakin years to get a locker. They made it seem so cool 'OMF LOCKERS YAS THEY SO SHHHHWASOME AND SHIZNIT' Bish pllllzzzzzz. They suck. I got a locker, on the 2nd floor (in which I only have 1 class on) and its a bottom locker. Beesh I am 5'3 how da frick am I supposed to scooch down and get into that dang thing. SQUAAAATS (hehe ReadingLlama, u get what im laying on the table -wiggles eyebrows- ROFL) And guess whaaaat. Populer kids. SWARMS, HERDS, PACKS. ALL AROUND MY LOCKER. Texting, screaming YOLO doing whatever these mainstream b holes do these days. Your not cool..Another thing. Right next to my biggest enemy. LITERLY RIGHT NEXT TO ME. And I can't even get into the dang thing!! So I decide to room with teh buds in her locker. Not naming names *cough* ReadingLlama *cough* ;3 and its a sweggy one in a good plc, big. But I still cant get open into these DEVIL CLOSETS. Their closets from Hell! Exuse teh language. So I put my stuff on top of said locker. Doing this for about 2 weeks now. Everything is FINE. But you know what? I come in one day. My stuff...gone. ALL GONE. Some little jerks think they can mess with me. They have another thing coming. Once I find who took my shiz I'm going to hunt them down and make their skin into confreakingfetti with Germany for my birthday. Beware >->

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