"a message to the world"

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Its the days we worry about that make us hit insanity. I woke up in my own bed, in my own tour bus, with my own friends laughing at the TV outside. All i heard was happiness when I was falling apart. I stared at the ceiling for hours until the colors became jumbled. My phone pressed to me, awaiting her call. I had sat there about an hour and the faint mumurs of singing faded out as my phone shook me. I leaned down, expecting a call or a long message but all I got was five words, five short beautiful words,

"I think I love you"

Attached to that was a picture. It looked older, maybe two years old It was Arya smiling a smile she had never smiled with  Peter craddled in her arms it looked like the picture that came with the frames, like all was perfect. Next to her was a half cropped out face, a man, around thirty much older than she was with a weak grin on his face. It was her husband.

I found myself staring at it for half an hour, memorizing every crevice and Every inch of his face.

"We will miss you Naill" was written under the picture.

I wanted to hold the picture forever and remember that look on her face till it became a part of me.

"Get up! Everyone will be here in half an hour you lazy bum!" I looked up to see Louis with a shoe in his hand and a pair of headphones wrapped around his bare neck. I slowly crawled out of bed, looking at my reflection and trying my hardest to show a smile, but I was broken and the hopes for a smile were gone. Not even as I stepped out onto the stage did I smile, I just stayed behind everyone and sang my parts with ease. I wanted to go, to hide somewhere but the yells and the crys from the fans blocked out my mind.

Everyone's eyes turned to me and I grinned as well as I could, swinging my arms and dancing as I went to the edge if the stage.

"Written in these walls are the stories u can't explain" I began.

Everyone got quiet and so did I. Suddenly my mouth went numb and I forgot everything. Like I was dried of Every bit of happiness. Everyone looked around confused as I sat in my own silence.

"Come on!" Harry yelled. But I stayed silent as the world caved in, and what I did after that I regret everyday of my life.

"I'm sorry..." I whispered and than i said it,

"I have been in love with a woman named Arya and her son for two months now and now everything is falling apart because of her ex-husband, so to that man this is for you if you happen to be listening-"

"Niall stop" said Zayn

But I continued, "You will not lay a single hand on them, you will not pursue them, if you do I will know and you will be over"

Silence filled the room. All I heard was the loud breathing I realized belonged to my own body and the lights that began to dim. I hit the floor and everything went black all I saw was that mans face looking at me.

"I already won" he whispered and everything collapsed.

Chasing Arya (A Niall Horan fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now