Chapter 2

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Sanem starts to put two and two together and she's absolutely furious. Remaining eerily calm at the dinner table, she looks at her father, forces a smile and stands up to introduce herself (again). Can reaches out for her hand and is amused that she's holding it together, given the fact that he completely caught her off guard. He was expecting a huge melt down, as most rich bratty children would do.

"Well Can, this was unexpected," Sanem said sitting back down to finish her dinner. "Look Sanem, I'm sorry to introduce the two of you this way, but the way you left my office this morning, I didn't have much of a choice." Nihat told his daughter as their butler came in to remind him that he needed to take a call in five minutes. Nihat started to get up and say, "Well I know I normally don't leave our dinner table during family time, but I was hoping the two of you could eat together and get to know each other without me here, so I arranged a call that I need to be on anyway." Sanem looked at her father and just shook her head, surprised and annoyed that he was so serious about this bodyguard nonsense. The moment he left the room she turned to Can.

"So I'm guessing you're really not a PhD student and you enrolled in the class to watch me. And on top of that, didn't feel like telling me at the time so that I would, what? Not immediately protest or....?? And furthermore, I don't really think it's necessary to have a bodyguard, so I need you to keep as much distance from me as possible. I'm still hoping to convince my father that you're unnecessary." Can just stood there, looking at her. He was surprised yet again that she was so direct and poised and while upset, she was acting more along the lines of insulted versus spoiled. Without skipping another beat Can said, "Your father and I felt it was the best way to fit in while you're at school, as to not attract additional attention or issues for you. Don't worry, your real partner for the lab class is aware of the situation and you'll be meeting with him tomorrow."

Astonished that these conversations were being had without her input, Sanem finished her dinner, picked up her plate and walked out of the dining room. She looked back at him, "I guess I'll be seeing you around," and proceeded to the kitchen where she left her dishes.

Can was left in the dining room, alone, when one of the maids brought him a plate full of food. He was about to refuse it, but decided against it considering he was there and would be essentially moving into one of the rooms of the house. "Thank you," he said as he sat down and started thinking about his most recent family vacation

"Can! It's lunch time, hurry up and grab your brother!" his anne said as she yelled from the wrap-around porch. Their vacation house in the Caribbean was the perfect spot for him to rest after his long stint in America with "the brat," as he referred to his last client's son. He partied too hard, was always getting in trouble, and Can was exhausted from having to keep his ass out of jail. But the money was good and the threats were relatively low on the kid. Can chalked it up to how bratty he was - "not worth the ransom" he'd joke under his breath. He loved seeing his mother, but his father was always pressuring him to come back to the family estate and stop "this nonsense" of being a bodyguard. Can wanted nothing to do with the golden handcuffs that would come with the responsibility of the family business. Therefore, his trips home or to one of their family homes was always cut short before the fighting got out of hand.

He kept thinking about how different this job would be from the last. And how he managed to just make it back from a much needed vacation in order to take this gig. Now he just needed to convince his new charge that she needed him.

Sanem is livid. In fact, the only thing she can imagine is going back to the gym to punch something in order to control her anger. "How DARE he pretend to be in the PhD program!" she said out loud to herself as she was changing into gym clothes. Sanem was really the most upset about how attracted she was to him when she thought he was a student. And now, no way, not going to happen. She has to get this man out of her life pronto, she wants to live a normal life, not a life where someone has to watch and follow her everywhere she goes.

Sanem sneaks out of the house and heads to the gym. She lets herself inside and does a number on the punching bag. 30 minutes roll by and she finally feels better. She heads to her car, hops in and realizes that she's sitting on something. Sitting up slightly she grabs the card. ""It would be delightful watching you try to box a bullet Ms. Sanem Aydin. And oh, you do have great form, Ohh the things I will do with that delectable body.......tiktok"

Sanem immediately looks behind her and checks the inside of the car, turning on all the interior lights and doesn't see anyone. She locks her door and takes off. Her hands shaking on the steering wheel. How did someone get in her car? How did the alarm not sound? Who was after her? The questions piled on. Was she really that oblivious to threats that came her way and was her father getting these all the time? Her heart broke thinking about what he must go through.

She pulled into the gates of her house, suddenly they didn't upset her any longer. In fact, she wished the gates were higher and had barbed wire at the top. The drive home felt like forever, even though it wasn't more than 8 minutes, tops. Visibly shaken, she decided not to share this letter with anyone, she didn't want to upset her father, or give him the complete satisfaction of hiring her a bodyguard. In the same breath, she now looked over her shoulder as she got out of her SUV. Hearing rattling in the bushes, she jumped. Realizing seconds later it was their dog, Toby, outside ready to greet her.

Walking into the house, she dropped her bag in front of the laundry room, too shaken up to to unload the clothes into her hamper and began to head for the staircase. Can appeared, watching her intently, knowing something was off about her. "Where were you?" he said sternly. "Nowhere important," she said and continued up the stairs. "You know that's not going to fly with me, right?" He said, but she had already turned the corner. He walked back toward the way she came and noticed a balled up piece of paper in the side mesh pocket of her gym bag. He looked around making sure no one was visible and opened it. Furious, he started to head toward the stairs. Not only did she leave the house without telling anyone, but now she's hiding threatening notes?! And this guy was THIS CLOSE TO HER?!

Can walks along the bay windows of the corridor headed to Sanem's room, but something makes the hair stand on the back of his neck. He looks out the window, scanning the property. He can feel it. Someone is watching them. 

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