How You Meet

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(It's mostly in your POV unless it tells you, y/n= your name, n/n= nickname, f/c=favorite color, f/ca= favorite cake, {=muttering, )
It is my first day at Akedemi High and I'm a third year. I have my childhood friend Taro right next to me. I was laughing at a joke he made when I ran into a boy with red hair. "S-sorry..." I say as Taro laughed because of my stuttering, "WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING IDIOT!" I felt tears swell up in the corners of my eyes. Taro must've noticed this cause he grabbed me by my back and hugged me close to his body. I smile as I wipe the tears at the corners at my eyes. "Osano please be nice to y/n..." Taro said quietly to Osano, Osano looked at me then reached out his hand. I looked up at him confused before he stuttered, "O-Osano..." I smile as I grab his hand saying, "Y/n but you can call me n/n!" Osano looked down at me then turned away as I saw the tips of his ears were red.
I was walking down the hallways of Akedemi High with my best friend Osano. When Osano stopped so of course I stopped to see what he is looking at. When I see it's the cooking club room and there's a boy with brown hair placing a cheesecake on the counter. Osano looked at me and said, "Wait you want to join the cooking club right?~" I nodded at him as I see him smirk from the corner of my eye. I then feel someone push me into the cooking club's room, so I fell on the floor. The brown haired boy looked at me with his blue eyes and asked, "Are you okay?" I smile as he helps me up and say, "Y-yeah I-I'm f-fine..." he then smiled back and asked, "How may I help you?" I help up my registration form to join the club and he took it and then smiled again at me. "So you want to join my club?" I nod my head as I see him look toward the cheesecake. He looked at me, held out a hand and said, "My name is Amao and I'm the cooking club's leader!" I laugh as I grab his hand and shake it while saying, "I'm y/n but you can call me n/n!" Then I look around and asked, "Is there anything I can help with now?" he smiled and said, "Perfect timing can you help me decorate this cheesecake?" I smile as I grabbed a f/c apron and helped him decorate the cheesecake.
I was always made fun of since I am the biggest introvert at Akedemi High. The only people who don't make fun of me are my best friend Amao, Oko, and the rest of the occult club. I was reading a book while smiling at my favorite part of the book when, I run into someone. I fall and when I looked up I see the boy who was my biggest bully Aso Rito. He looked down at me and took my book from my hand while yelling, "WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING FREAK!" I watched as he ripped my book in half so I started crying. I felt someone tap my shoulder from beside me, then I heard someone say, "Y-you b-better l-leave y-y/n alone...." I looked up to see Oko holding his hand out to me so I grabbed it and let him help me up. "OR ELSE WHAT LOSER?!" Aso yelled as he started poking me where a bruise he caused was so I winced in pain. Before Oko could say anything you heard Amao say in a menacing tone, "Or else you'll have to deal with me...." I smiled as Oko held his hand out and said, "O-oko..." I grabbed his hand and shook it saying, "My name is y/n but you can call me n/n."
Me and my friend Oko were walking down the hallways of Akedemi High when Oko asked, "Hey y-y/n...?" I turn my head towards him and asked, "Yes Oko?" He looked away embarrassed while he asked, "W-why don't you j-join my c-club...?" I smile politely at him and say, "Oko.... you know I want to join the drama club...." I didn't think his face could get anymore sad, "B-but if I can't I'll join the occult club!" He smiled at me then hugged my arm quickly. He then grabbed my arm and brought me to the doors that lead to the drama club. I smile at him and yell, "Thank you Oko!" Oko turned away from me and I swear I could see the tips of his ears red. I walked into the drama club room and walked towards the stage in the middle of the room. Once I made it back there I saw a boy with purple hair humming a song I didn't recognize. He turned around and saw me standing there looking at him so I asked, "Do you know where the president is?" He smirked walking closer to me and said, "That would be me..." then he looked down and asked, "And who are you?" I smiled and said, "I'm y/n but you can call me n/n!" He smiled at my enthusiasm and said, "My name is Kizano!"
I am known as the second most athletic student at Akedemi High. My best friend is Kizano and he is the president of the drama club. Kizano was dragging me through the hallways so I can meet his friend who is the president of the sports club. Once he stopped he let me go and I wasn't expecting it so I starting falling. I was bracing for impact with the ground when I felt someone's arms around me. When I look up I see a boy with blonde hair and tan skin. "Are you okay?" I heard him say, I smiled at him as he set me down and said, "Yep I'm completely fine, I think...." He looks at me worryingly I smiled a thoughtful smile and he smiled back at me. "Well Aso this is y/n another person like you she loves exercise. But she is very clumsy unlike you as you can see." Aso looked at me and said, "Well we haven't properly met yet but,...... my name is Aso and I'm the sports club leader!" I looked up at him and said, "I'm y/n but you can call me n/n also do you have a registration sheet for your club I can sign?" Aso looked around for a bit and said, "I don't have them on me but I think I have one in the office!" I smiled and asked, "Where's the office?" Aso smiled then picked me up and starting running with me to somewhere. I yelled, "Aso if you don't put me down right now I will chuck you across the room!" Aso laughed and put me down in a room that looked like a club office. "Here we are!" I smiled as we talked and as I signed the sports club registration sheet.
My friend Aso and I were running around the track outside Akedemi High. While I was running I didn't see the big branch in the middle of the track so I ran into it and fell scraping my knee and leg pretty badly. Aso ran over to me and asked, "Are you okay n/n?!" I looked down at me leg and shook my head 'no' at him. He picked me up bridal style and starting running into the school, the rest of the sports club members asked me what happened so Aso explained it for me. Once we got to the nurses office Aso knocked on the door and a boy with pink hair walked out and looked at Aso. "Why are you here, Aso?" Aso looked at the nurse and said, "My friend n/n or y/n was running on the track with me when she fell on a large branch and scraped her leg and knee pretty badly." The nurse looks at me then says, "Oh dear it is bad let me take her and heal that wound as much as I can!" Aso looks at me then asks, "Can I at least stay here with her Mujo...?" Mujo looked at Aso and asked him, "Don't you have to get back to your club Aso?" I looked at Mujo then back at Aso then told Aso, "That is true Aso you do gotta make sure the twins don't kill each other." Aso looked down at me sadly and said, "But I don't want to leave you alone with HIM...." I looked up at Mujo and said, "I trust him so please Aso?" Aso gave me over to Mujo and left to the club and I looked up at Mujo. Until the end of club time Mujo was helping me clean and wrap the wound on my leg.
I was sitting in class waiting for Mrs. Jen to come into class so she could teach us college algebra. When this man walks into he room with a button up shirt without the top three buttons buttoned. "I'm Mr. Mido and I'll be your substitute today and I hope everyone pays close attention..." he said that as thegirls all around me were screaming and whispering cause they think he is hot. He ended up winking at me as I fixed my uniform so I glared at him. I was doodling in my sketchbook while he was writing a question on the board that I already answered. "Ms. y/n what is the answer to question 8?" I looked down at my paper when I see him come closer to me. "If you get it right I'll give you a reward...." he whispered in my ear I was about to answer when the bell rang. I saw the school nurse and my best friend Mujo standing outside of the door telling me to hurry up. I was about to leave when I hear Mr. Mujo say, "Y/n you're gonna help clean up today since you didn't answer my question....." I then grab a broom and a dustpan and sweep the room as fast as I could then left. Mujo looked at me worryingly but I told him, "It's okay!" he then smiled at me as we left the school talking about the anime Kiss Him Not Me.
I was walking to the garden that my gardening club uses to plant flowers and fruits when I saw the delinquents. I got around them by walking through the bushes to my little fenced garden. I went into the shed and grabbed my apron, gloves, shovel, and the flower seeds. As I was planting a rose in the rose section of the garden when a female delinquent walked up to me and grabbed the hem of my shirt. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING ON OUR PROPERTY?!" I started shaking but then I remembered that the school gave me the document that says I'm allowed to be here because of my club. So I responded with," Well if you would put me down for a second I would go grab the document that says I can be on 'your' property...." She got mad but let me go so I went to the shed and dug through the desk I have in there looking for the document. When I found it I decided that I should probably go out there to show her the document. When I went out there this boy with long blonde hair and bandages all over his body stood there with his arms crossed talking to the girl who grabbed my shirt earlier. I went around him to the girl and handed her the document that says I can be on their property. She showed it to the boy and he grabbed it and gave it back to me. He then turned to face the girl again and said, "Really you had to pick on one of the club leaders...?" I then saw her scared then she said, "B-but you told us to tell everyone on our property to get off of it immediately." I smiled as he sent her off while she cried about it being unfair when he turned around he said, "Sorry about her.... my name is Osoro leader of the delinquents!" I then say, "I'm y/n or n/n and I'm the leader of the gardening club!" He looked down at me and asked, "Is there anything I can help with...?" I looked over at my garden then back at him and said, "Well I was just planting some roses....." He then booped my nose and said, "I'll help you with that!" I smile as me and him talked while planting roses.
I was running in the hallways of Akedemi High with my best friend Osoro and he is the leader of the delinquents. While Osoro was talking to me I ran into a boy with light purple hair. I was falling backwards when the boy with light purple hair catches me and stops me from falling. "Why aren't you two in class?" I glare at Osoro since he told me to skip with him. I smile awkwardly at the student council member. "Osoro get back to class..." Osoro then says, "Fine come on y/n...." The student council member says, "I'll take Ms. Y/n to class..." Osoro walks away and the student council member puts me down so he can take me to class. "So Ms. Y/n what class are you going to?" I look up at him and say, "I'm going to Japanese four." He looked down at me and smiled, when we got to my class he grabbed my hand. He then brings my hand up to his lips and kissed the back of my hand. "That was nice just being able to talk with you Ms. y/n but I never told you my name. My name is Megamo and I'm the student council president." I smile at him then wave as I enter my classroom.
I was walking from Caribou coffee to Akedemi High when I ran into someone. "I'm so sorry!" The boy looked at me and said, "I-It's fine s-senp-, I MEAN Y/N!" I smile at him then realize that his drink spilled all over the ground. "I'll buy you another one!" he looked at me then said, "You d-don't have to..." O smile then respond with, "Of course I do!..... What's your name again?" He looked down at me then smiled and said, "Ayato." I wave at him as I go back inside to get us another coffee each. After I got us our coffees me and him walked to school together. When we got to school my best friend Megamo was by the gates looking worryingly at his watch. As soon as he saw me he ran over to me and started yelling in my ear about how worried he was. I look at Ayato then him and say, "Hey Megamo....., this is Ayato we met at Caribou since I ran into him....." Megamo looked at him then me and asked, "Are you two dating?" I shook my head 'no' about a million times. For the rest of the day Ayato, Megamo and I talked about our favorite animes.
I am known as the shyest person at Akedemi High. One day a boy decided to grab onto my waist, pull me to him and say, "Hey babe, why don't we have some fun together?~" I tried to get his loose to loosen by struggling against his grasp. "The lady doesn't want to...." I heard a boy's voice say I turn to see someone in a karate or martial arts uniform. The boy didn't even bother to even try to let go of me so I was about to say something when I fell to the ground. When I opened my eyes the boy trying to 'have fun with me' was on the ground with a bloody nose and the boy with the martial arts uniform was standing in front of me. The boy held his hand out to me and said, "My name is Budo and I save damsels in distress!" the boy with the bloody nose went to Mujo's office while Budo helped me up. I smiled and said, "Thank you Budo!" I then run so I can get to my next class on time.
I was talking to Ayano and Ayato when I turned my head and me and Taro's eyes met. Taro walks up to us with a big goofy smile on his face while Ayato is growling and glaring at him. Taro then looks down at me and asks, "Umm..... is he okay...?" Ayano looked up at him with the most amount of blush I've ever seen on someone's face she then shakes her head 'no' and hides behind me. My eyes get covered by someone behind me and I can already guess who it is when he asks, "Guess who?~" I roll my eyes and say, "Budo really?" He then removes his hands from my face and says, "Boo you're no fun!~" I felt two people grab onto my shoulders when I look I see Taro and Ayato while they hiss, "MINE!" I look back towards them both and stick my tongue out playfully at them and say, "I'm no ones!" They laughed as Ayano grabs my arm and brings me to the girl's locker room and tells me, "Stay away from my senpai he is mine!" I then left the locker room and ignored the three boys for the rest of the school day.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2019 ⏰

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