1. Daxton

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I was dragged out of the room and thrown onto a chair. I coughed once and looked at Erin, trying to read her face. Her face didn't show any emotion in particular. She looked happy and proud. Proud that she had finally caught me.

"Let's begin shall we?", she stared at me. I looked down once and nodded. Ready to experience it all over again. I took in a deep breath, locked eyes with Ashton and started all over again.


"Shit!", I cursed as I felt the cold air nip at my skin. I looked ahead and spotted Zaira waiting for me in front of the club. I made my way through the busy crowds. She opened the door as soon as she spotted me and led me in.

"Daxton will be here tonight. Get him to the alley, Tobias will take over after that", she ran me through the plan as we kept on walking.

"That's it?", I looked at her while removing my coat.

"It's not as easy as it sounds Bishop, not easy at all. Don't underestimate him or his power", she warned me. I shook my head trying to get my hair in place. She handed me a small microphone which I put behind my ear. She would hear everything and would instruct me if necessary. She gave me a small camera which I delicately placed on my dress, from where she would see and asses my every single move.

I checked the hidden back pockets of my dress and felt the previously loaded gun. I let out a long breath and opened the door in front of me which led to the street leading to the club.

I walked out and heard Zaira scream, "Don't fuck up!"

I turned my head around, smiled and continued walking. I entered the club after showing my fake ID. I looked around the club, trying to look for Daxton.

"3' o clock", I heard Zaira through the microphone. I quickly turned towards my right and saw him. He was well dressed in a tuxedo, whilst holding a drink in his hand. I looked around and got myself a drink, gulping it down. I took another drink and held it tightly in my hand.

I turned around making my way towards Daxton. I made sure to pull my dress a little up and stand up straight. Small things like these always caught people's attention. People like Daxton.

I sat on the bar stool next to Daxton's and buried my head in between my hands. I felt him move in his chair and look at me. I looked up and started sipping on my drink. I let out a loud sigh and started massaging my forehead.

"You alright there?", he slowly asked, whilst placing his hand delicately on my shoulder. He had walked right into it. Now all I needed to do is get him into the alley. I dropped my shoulders a little more, placed my elbow on the counter and buried my head in between them.

"Yeah. I had the worst day at work", I shrugged and made myself look uninterested in the conversation. I gulped my entire drink and placed the glass on the counter with a small thud. I went back to massaging my forehead and groaning loudly for no reason.

"In that case, how about I buy you a drink and you can talk all about it to me", he was now facing me and had his hand on my arm. I slowly nodded and fixed my hair hiding the microphone behind my ear.

Daxton coughs loudly and bartender immediately turns his attention towards us.

"I'll have a beer and the lady will have the-", he drawled and looked at me. 

"I'll have a whiskey on the rocks, thank you", I smiled at the bartender as he walked away. I lifted my hands off the counter and placed them on my lap. 

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