Chapter one

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This story was influenced by an imagine i read from summers13 's instagram, . It is not exactly like her version it is only loosely based off of the idea she had. So... i guess... credit to her? but yea I hope you like this story and I think you should totally check her stuff out because she rocks.

I struggled with the rough ropes that kept me tied to the old chair I was sat in. I tried to distinguish where I was with no prevail. All I could see was darkness. memories flew around me in bits and pieces as I tried desperately to remember how I had gotten into this situation. I remember running away. finally running away. I had only been out on my own for about a day when I ran into...them. A sick feeling weighed down upon me as I suddenly remembered who I was dealing with. Monsters. Well that's not entirely fair, my mom had always taught me that they were monsters. They were just human and in all honesty she was the monster.

I heard muttering from somewhere behind me.

"She's awake"

"It's time."

I started to sweat, time for what? I coughed loudly to show that I could hear what they were saying and the owners of the voices walked in front of me.

I had definitely seen them before in case files back home, if I could even call it a home. Before me stood four men, with grim looks set on their faces.

"You're Courtney's kid." The man with black hair said to me flatly.

"Yeah, do you want a freaking medal?" I hated my mom. She was cruel and...wrong. For some reason people always thought that I worked along side her just because I was her daughter. I had basically been trapped at my home with her since I was born and this had just been another of my many failed attempts to escape.

A slightly taller man with a fro of curly brown hair walked up and dropped a pile of equiptment in front of me.

"Do you recognize any of this?" he asked bluntly, his intense blue eyes staring straight at my dark green ones, as if he was daring me to do anything else but answer.

My eyes bugged out when I saw what he had dumped in front of me and my stomach did a flop. I most definitely knew what this thing did and it made me sick. Courtney had showed it to me just a week ago. A machine that could literally erase your memories. Of course Courtney and her...her goons had planned on using it to warp their enemies minds into thinking that they were on her side. That way they would be out of the way and Courtney would get herself a new member of her "cause". I had told her exactly how I felt about this machine when she first showed me and that had earned me a slap across the face.

I choked out a no and tried my best to hide any sign of my thoughts otherwise.

They all looked pretty convinced except for the man who had initially spoken to me,

"She's lying. Joe, hook her up."

My heart began to beat rapidly. I was almost positive they could hear it too. Joe must have seen the fear flash in my eyes because he remarked snidely,

"What's the matter? It didn't seem to be much of a problem when you and your cult planned to use it on one of us."

I stared daggers at him. I wanted so badly to yell at them all for being so thick. I would have told them right then and there my true feelings about my mom and her cult but I had a sickening feeling my "alliance" with them was the only thing keeping me alive at the moment. Or maybe that was just how it worked where I came from.

"Pete, maybe this isn't such a good idea..."

I turned towards the man who had said this. He was definitely the shortest of the bunch, with messy rust colored hair, dorky glasses, and a fedora. I almost laughed at his appearance against all the hard faced, tattooed men. He looked sort of familiar... I looked at his arm and saw that there was a stump covered in dried blood where his hand should have been and I instantly felt guilty.

"Sorry about your hand."

It slipped out of my mouth before I could think it through. He looked me over and smiled. I guess he must have decided that I was being genuine. Unlike Pete, who had gotten even angrier at me.

"How dare you!" he said, bringing his voice level up considerably, "Isn't it bad enough Patrick lost his freaking hand?"

I cringed at his tone, "Bad idea, Ava. He already hates your guts, why don't you get the man holding your life in his hands angry."

The last of the four stepped over to Pete and talked quietly,

"I don't know, Pete. Patrick might be right...we didn't actually catch her doing anything wrong. Besides, all we have to go off of with the machine are the notes we snatched along with it."

Yes freaking preach short, tattooed man.

Apparently, there was no swaying Pete because he motioned for Joe to continue gearing up the equipment.

"She's related to her," he spat, "That's all I need to know she's bad news."

I begun to panic as Joe connected the many different wires to different parts of my body. I decided the only weapon I had left was my mouth.

"So that's how you guys came across this, huh?" I said nonchalantly.

Pete gave me a look like he was thinking "Do you really think this is a good time for small talk?" He nodded carefully, which earned him a pair of rolled eyes. Yeesh, did he think I was about to pull a machete out of my skinny jeans?

"They came across it when they came back for me." Patrick said quietly.

"Which by the way obviously didn't work as quickly as we would have liked it," Pete said darkly, "seeing as you ruthless bitches had already chopped off his hand."

I gritted my teeth together.

"We also came across written plans on how you were going to use the machine on one of us." Joe piped up from somewhere behind me.

"I didn't write those plans." I reminded him.

"At this point it doesn't even matter," the tattooed man who had stood up for me before said, "We, well Pete decided that the best way to get back at Courtney was to turn one of her own against her."

So that's what they want.

I wasn't even on Courtney's side. I would have brought it up but I don't think it would have mattered. In their eyes, they've just found the best ploy they could use. Courtney's own daughter.

In one last desperate attempt, I asked the heavily tattooed man what his name was.


Great, that didn't help at all. I could tell that Joe had almost finished hooking the machine up so i gave up and waited for the worst.

{ I hope that wasn't a major suck fest! PS: I'm all for human contact over the Internet and would greatly appreciate your opinions on my story :))))) }

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