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A freak was only one of the many colorful word's others had used to describe him during his lifetime. A mistake is what his parents had called him, from far away he had the characteristics of a wolf just like everyone else, but when you got closer you could notice the differences.

How his eyes were just a bit too soft and his ears too floppy. How his teeth weren't quite as sharp and his claws too small. It was a mystery as to why he was born more like a dog, which others had taken to calling him, as opposed to a wolf, but it wasn't like anyone cared enough to investigate a reason why.

It was for this reason why he didn't have a pack, why he never really had one to begin with. When he reached his teenage years, when the wolf features should start to become more pronounced, he had remained somewhat stunted as the doctor called it. His parents had only kept him out of a sense of duty and in the hopes that he'd get some sort of final growth spurt when he got older, which never came. He was 15, a few days before his birthday and when he was to come of age, normally a big ceremony where you're formally added as a member of the pack and given pack duties and responsibilities. However, instead of helping him get a formal outfit for the event, his parents had kicked him out with nothing but the clothes on his back.

That evening, without any explanation, his parents had practically tossed him out the house, calling him a disgrace on the family and that if he ever returned he'd be killed on site, that if he wasn't careful they'd be the ones to do it. He noticed some of their neighbors come out of their houses to witness the scene, one or two of them adding their own obscenities as he stood in the road helpless, tears streaming down his face. His begs and pleas fell on deaf ears, even when his parents finally returned to the house and locked the door behind them he stayed calling out to them, begging them to let him stay. He doesn't know how long he stood there before a police officer dragged him away from the front door and shoved him into the backseat of his car. Without a word the cop drove him to the pack's territory limit and all but chucked him out the car, giving a final warning not to bother returning before he got back in the car and drove off.

For the next few days he wandered through the wilderness trying to lay low as much as possible, but apart from instinct, he lacked any other form of survival skills, meaning It wasn't long before he came across another pack. He doesn't know why they took him in, probably because they felt some sort of pity for him, he was an underdeveloped wolf, after all, something that hadn't been heard of in all the books he'd browsed through when he'd learned of his condition. Not to mention that he must have looked like a right state, ripped clothes, covered in dirt and looking like he was at death's door.

They were quick to take him in, giving him food, drink and clean clothes, even gave him a couple of small errands to run as a way to prove his worth to them. For the first time, he felt like he truly belonged, like he finally had a pack, at least that was until they found out how old he was when they learned that he was actually two days from turning 16. Just as his parents had done, they'd literally tossed him out, telling him to be thankful that they hadn't killed him, as they left him to fend for himself in the cold dark night.

For the next two years, his youthful appearance meant that other packs he came across would take him in for a while, accepting their hospitality before running away so that they could never find the truth about him. When he got too old to pass as an underage wolf he made a real effort to avoid coming across packs, teaching himself how to hunt and to find and build shelter, and most importantly the ability to evade pursuers. However, sometimes nature wasn't on his side. There'd be no sign of food for weeks and fresh water was hard to come by, especially in winter when a lot of natural water would freeze over. It was at times like this he would seek others, willing to suffer their treatment of him in favor of some semblance of food and warmth.

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