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Gadget rolled to tge side as lasers sliced through the air. The crinson beams of fire and death and pain and hurt ripped through bodies and flesh, rending those hit dead. Gadgets red fur his the multiple streams of blood and cuts and dit and pain, so much pain.

Tears streamed down his cheeks as his city was wiped off the map. "Zero!" He called, "Z-Zero!" The monster rending the world apart seemed to stop in his tracks, and his eye zeroed in on the wolf. "Don't call me that!" He snarled, and with a wave of his hand time seemed to stop.

With his hopes gone, Gadget fell to his knees. Whispered words snuck out of his mouth, but infinite still heard him. "I still love you" Gadget whispered, and without warning Infinite surprisingly responded, "I love you too"

Light returned to Gadgets eyes, and he rose to his feet. Infinite seemed to snap to attention, and his eyes dialated. "Gadge? What, where am I?" He asked, his eyes were shooting all over the place. "Zero, oh my Zero..." Gadget said, he felt his love awaken from whatever that eggman did to him.

Zero stumbled towards him, his legs as shaky as a new-born deer. As he fell, his knees scraped the blood smeared floor. Tears fell down freely as he looked at the blood smeared on his gloves. "What...what have I done" he stuttered.

"So many, so...many" he whispered as he began to hug himself, he rocked back and forth as time seemed to restart, and he cackled maniacally. All stopped as they watched the once strong Infinite devolve into a sobbing mess.

Gadget grasped his arm and fired his grapple hook, they zoomed off into the distance, both grinly looked towards the future.

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