Chapter Twenty Five

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Chapter Twenty Five

The next day I'd shamelessly waited outside my car for Harry's to show up in the parking lot. I'd originally planned to come in early for some extra help but as soon as I noticed Charlotte's car already parked in her usual spot I'd failed to get out of my car.

I'd spent the remainder of my evening yesterday in my bedroom attempting to vent through strong language on a note pad and even stronger language consisted music. My Mom could tell how angry I was even through the door so she hadn't bothered me the whole night until my Dad had dropped off a sandwhich and some soup left over from dinner.

I felt poorly for Benjamin considering he had to hear my anger being taken out in my room since he was sleeping within twenty feet of my room. Regardless of the matter Charlottes' crude words had sent me off the edge and even harsh music couldn't mend my anger.

When I'd woken up this morning I felt a bit better than the previous night but nonetheless my resentment towards her still stood.

I tried to heal the anger in my car by listening to some softer tunes that Harry'd picked out for me earlier. He said whenever I was angry about something the worst thing I could do was put fuel to the fire and make myself even more angry with loud music.

Surprisingly, it helped as I anxiously tapped my foot for Harry's arrival.

I pulled out my notebook a few moments later and studied for my Calculus quiz that I was supposed to be attending extra help for. My mind seemed to wander as I noticed more car's pulling in of students with their bags strapped on their backs.

Still, no sign of Harry.

I'd given up on studying and placed everything back in my bag to then sling it on my shoulder and turn of my music. I glanced at my phone seeing it was half past seven so I had to head into the school.

Upon arrival I noticed Niall talking to a few guys on the basketball team by the foyer. He held a Calculus book in his hands and he had a plain pencil behind his ear. When he'd seen me walk past he was quick to bid his goodbye's to his friend and catch up with me.

"Slow down, champ." He cracked placing his arm around my shoulder.

"Not in the mood, Niall." I brushed his arm off.

"Whats getting to ya?" He asked me stopping in his tracks to allow me to sit against the window sill near the entrance to the foyer.

"Your girlfriend, thats who."

"She has a name you know." Niall chuckled. I gave him a death glare sending him the message I really wasn't in the mood for his jokes.

"I've tried, Niall, I really have." I sighed placing my head in my hands.

"Is this about Harry?" He asked looking for me to look him in the eye.

"You mean plaid boy?" I mocked Charlotte, my anger fuming up again.

"What's she done now?"

"She can't sit one minute without thinking about herself, you know?" I sighed. "I swear I didn't have more than a minute conversation with her before she brought up the fact at how hard she'd worked to get Liam to notice me. As if it was her job and duty to get me a boyfriend, she practically called me an inconsiderate bitch."

"That doesn't sound like Charlotte." Niall sighed looking at me with sad eyes.

"Well you better give your girlfriend another look, she's more than to the eye." I angrily replied getting up from the window sill and storming down the hallway towards my locker trying to ignore Niall calling my name.

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