Chapter 2: The Roaring Sky

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Alerix and the group make it to the Castle Of The Sea. The alarm bells are ringing, as the entrance bridge is crowded with civilians evacuating and soldiers helping them leave. On the entire other side of the town, a hoard of undead soldiers stand trying to breach the shield. Alerix walks to one of the soldiers and shows a golden stone. Without hesitation the guard grabs the stone and presses it into a socket on the bridges entrance. The water next to the bridge splits presenting a underground path to the town. The guard removes the stone and hands it back to him. "God speed, sir alerix!" alerix nods and the group hastily makes their way through the tunnel. The tunnel ends with stairs thay lead up into the castle at the center of the town. As he shows the stone to the boulder blocking the door, the door swings open, and waiting there is a woman in a bright white dress, long blonde hair, and a black bracelet on her right arm. She runs at alerix and hugs him. "Thank the gods you made it! The Forged Sigil has gotten relentless, and we cant stop them!" she says panicing. "Anna, calm down, take your guards and servants and leave, I can handle this." Alerix turns towards Renkov, "Protect them with your lives!" Renkov pounds one of the shield against his armor and they rush away. Alerix extends his hand and summons his pole as he exits the castle gates. He digs his feet into the ground and dashes at the hoard. Few spins and hits knocking their heads off and dismembering them. One gets a upper hand and swings a punch extremely hard at alerix, who blocks it with the middle of his pole and it shatters as he is knocked back through the shield away from the enemy. The seperate ends of the pole turn to ash.

"Fine, ill play your game!" Alerix extends his arm a dragon head hilt with six sets of eyes on it appears. The mouth opens with a roar and a huge blade starts to form from it. Different strands of elements combining to make a huge greatsword. He dashes at them again swinging this massive sword with ease, easily blocking and cutting them down. But more and more appear. A sigil for space appears behind him and he steps back into it. He reappears above the entire towns shield. Four glowing wings stretched from his back. The blade dissapears from the dragon hilt, and he aims it into the sky. The mouth opens wide as a giant sigil for Light starts to form above the town and the edge. Anna, the group, and her servants and soldiers all make it out and are enough away from the radius. Anna places her hands together and prays. The bracelet giving off a small hum. The sigil starts the bind together and in a blink of an eye, the entire area of engulfed in pure light. The town still in piece, and the surrounding area cleared of undead. Alerix floats down through the shield ontop of the bell tower on the castle. Giant air horns roar, as Alerix see's hundreds of massive metal airships, Giant metallic blimp like machines. One of which has a dragon head mounted on it. All the others turn and start firing giant elemental cannon balls that phase through the shield and destroys some building and bell towers. Alerix Raises the hilt and forms a sigil, allowing him to block the remaining cannons. A small reflection can be seen coming from the main ship.

A man in all metal gear holding a musket with a massive scope takes aim. He breathes in and fires. The shot passes through the sigil and through alerix's chest. "NO!!!" Anna screams at the top of her lungs, the bracelets hum getting louder. Everything moves in slowmotion for alerix. The sigil slowly shattering, he raises his hand trying to fix it, As it fixes the main ships dragon head starts absorbing energy and starts charging. Alerix's sigil has only a inch opening, but the dragon head fires a small laser that passes through it into the town and like a nuke absorbs everything in a massive dark explosion.
The smoke clears, alerix is no where, the town is in ruins. Renkov starts screaming "We need to move now!" until he looks at Anna who has a dark aura around her. The bracelet goes crazy and shatters. Dark ooze starts dripping from her eyes and mouth, her arms get covered in the ooze and become sharp daggers. She lets out a ear piercing shriek as she leaps with massive power at one of the ships and her arm extends in a large tendril and rips the ship apart. She then lands on the deck of the main one. The sniper takes aim and fires a bullet right between her eyes. She drops hitting the deck of the ship. He gets up, and in a second his shadow under him has a arm going through his chest and rips his heart out. Anna pulls herself out of the shadow as the sniper falls off the ship. The shadow starts wrapping around the ship as she enters the ship and makes her way to the control room where she busts the door down and tendrils swing and kill everyone except the captain, she grabs him and goes back to the deck. Once there the shadows rip the engines off the ship and it begins to decend. She jumps and chucks him at the remaining cross of the church, and her tendrils pierce his hands and his feet into the cross. She lets out a small giggle as she grabs her head as though she is going crazy. A unknown sigil forms under her, and her body turns into all ooze, and shoots into the sky. A loud roar erupts shaking the water surrounding the town as her ooze combines into a dragon, its body growing larger and larger till its bigger than the continent, Its head cracks open and three heads explode from it, each bearing a different sigil apon their heads. The middle is Fire, the right is water, and the left is earth. It looks down, all three heads open their mouths and charging energy, and right before they fire, they aim it into a single point, and release it in a concentrated blast on the captain. As the blast fades the hundreds if airships start firing cannons at the dragon. Each head opens their mouths as a small ball of element forms. In a giant eruption the small ball explodes into a massive laser as the heads sweap the laser through some of the ships.

   The middle head raises and lets out a huge roar that causes a earthquake, cracking the entire ground underneath this creature, water starts to flood into the cracks. Five ships move, surrounding the dragon, they fire giant harpoons into the sides of the dragon to subdue it, but the middle head raises into the air. It opens its mouth and a small orb forms, and in an instance, it crunches down on the orb creating a shockwave that rips through the ships. Renkov clashes his shields together to create a barrier around him, the civilians, and the soldiers, a wave crashes against the barrier he created. A horribly graspy voice echoes out "This World Has Dissapointed Motaraku!" All the heads raise up into the air as they all focus energy on a giant orb of all elements. A sigil opens underneath motaraku, and a medium sized six eyed searpeant dragon flys out and lays its legs and arms on the ground. The voice echoes again "Okrom!!" The heads open their mouths wider as the orb starts pulsing. Motaraku flings its heads down firing a giant blast at Okrom. Okram opens his mouth and the sigil of unknown appears blocking the blast. Okrom starts to seperate into multiple versions, each of a different color and element. They all mimic the same, opening their mouth and presenting their own sigils to block the attack. The original Okrom, turns into a grey liquid, as he reshapes into a man holding a dragon head hilt with its mouth opened at the blast. He swings the hilt a giant blade made of all the elements forms and cuts through the blast in a single swipe. Motaraku roars and each head starts going into a frenzy as they repeatedly fire orbs of different elements. Wings made of broken sigils form on the mans back as him, and all the versions of Okrom surround him, leap into the air at high speeds, dodging and cutting through the orbs. As he reaches the middle head, the grey liquid fades as he presses his head gently against the dragons. Alerix floats with his head pressed against Motaraku.

Motaraku's eyes jerk towards him, and tears run. Starting from the tail, Motaraku starts turning to ash and dissapearing. The middle head begins to fade as Anna floats out into Alerix's arms. They both begin to float back down onto the giant bridge. As they land Renkov lowers his shields as all the guards and civilians rush towards Anna. She opens her eyes as she hears the roars of the crowd. Alerix lowers Anna to her feet as some of the guards are crying and civilians are surrounding her all asking "Are you ok?" Alerix splits from the crowd towards renkov, until a rustling in the bushes behind them catch their attention. Alerix turns as Nyami and Kamiko leap out towards him, hugging him. "Uncle Alerix!" Kamiko screams as Nyami just giggles as she rubs her head against his arm. "Kamiko? Nyami? What are ya'll doing here?" Kamiko lets go "Well...' Nyami starts to slowly try to tip-toe away. "That was you who lifted the town earlier. Was it not?" Alerix asks. Nyami turns around scratching her head. "Does sorry work?" She says as kamiko punches her in the head. "Ow you didnt need to do that!" Alerix sighs, "Was anyone hurt?" He asks rubbing the temples of his head. "Dont worry, only one person was hurt, but I fix it." Kamiko says now holding Nyami by the collar of her scarf. "Alright, then everything is fine. Have ya'll seen your father or your other uncle?" Nyami raises her hand and speaks "We saw mom and dad, but we havent seen uncle scelto since training." Kamiko nods "Uncle scelto hasnt been seen for the majority of those five years." Alerix looks towards the woods. "I guess we will only see him when he wants to be seen again."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2020 ⏰

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