Ep 20

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Jungkook pov

I got to Mingyu's house. he had just moved into the new house and invited other friends into his home.

Mingyu: hey bro .. you're come.

he said cheerfully after seeing me come into her living room.

Jungkook: yea..

I reply in weak voice.

Mingyu: what's wrong, bro?

Jungkook: nothing..

Mingyu: owh .. come on.. since when you be silent like this?

Jungkook: nothing, bro.

Mingyu: aish.. you are like a woman right now.. say nothing but your face say something else.. just tell me why ?

Jungkook: it's about y/n

Mingyu: y/n? oh yea.. where is she? You not invite her to come over here? or you don't want she being close with me? don't try to be a King Control, bro.

Jungkook: i'm not.. i already ask her to join us actually.. but yea..

Mingyu: yea what?

Jungkook: she's going date with Wonwoo.

Mingyu: like shit..

he said surpised while laughed.

Mingyu: look my idol .. 3 years ago, you make women want you.. no matter if you playboy or f*ckboy.. they love you.. and now.. your own wife.. is cheating on you? for real?

he said still laughed. i just sighed.

Mingyu: come on, bro. comeback.. see there .. i invited a good chick .. if you want, i can help you.

he said while pointing to women's groups, who's in their own world.

Jungkook: no .. i just came here for a drink.

Mingyu: a drink? wanna get drunk? you can, bro.

he said and give me a glass of "beverage".

y/n pov
after hang out with wonwoo. I'm home. I entered the house, I searched for Jungkook..

he's still not home. The hour is already 2 o'clock.

about 30 minutes later, I heard the sound of a vehicle in front of the house. I looked at the window is Jungkook car.

I rushed to the main door. After I opened it, I saw Jungkook led by a man I didn't know.

Mingyu: hey..

he said friendly with a sweet smile. he divides the signal to help him lead Jungkook into the house. I helped him. we put Jungkook on the sofa in the living room.

Mingyu: aish.. this boy is so heavy...

he said after releasing Jungkook. he then saw me, just standing and watching them.

Mingyu: i'm so sorry to make your husband get drunk like this.

y/n: oh nevermind...

Mingyu: you still remember me, isn't it?

y/n: hmm?? who?

Mingyu: oh. hey i'm Mingyu, Jungkook Bestfriend.

He said as he reached out to shake hands with me. Bestfriend? so, he're playboy too?

y/n: hey.. i'm y/n.. nice to meet you..

I said, greeting his hand.

Mingyu: and you are??

he said while looking at me with still holding my hand. his words remind me of Jinyoung's words.

that day, i really in love and believe on Jungkook so much. i trusted him so much and that's why i give my first to him. i trusted him love me as i love him so much too but see.. he broke everything. my feeling, my dream, my love, my heart and mostly, it's my trust to him. how can i forgive him? how can i love him back? he just a rude person who came to my life and destroy everything.

and now he coming again, still pretend he love me?

Mingyu: hmm..y/n?

he said to distribute me from daydreaming. I immediately pulled my hand from his grip.

y/n: i'm his..... wife...

I said slowly.

Mingyu: oh.. you admit that.

he smirked.

Mingyu: so.. why you didn't join us? are you meet someone or something?

y/n: ahhh.. i'm.. i was... hmm.. actually...

I said stuttering.

Mingyu: nevermind .. maybe next time we can hang out together..

he said still with his sweet smile.

Mingyu: so.. I gonna go... take care of your husband y/n.. and yea.. nice to meet you too.. bye..

he said then went to the main door. he closed the door after he left. I looked at Jungkook who was already faint from it because he was too drunk.

I went upstairs to pick up pillow and blanket for Jungkook. I returned to his place, I helped him open his jacket and let him just wear a t-shirt. I also open his shoes, I put his head on the pillow I brought with him and I cover him with the blanket.

I knelt in order to more clearly see his face.

y/n: why you drink so much even you know you can't handle it?

i said while sighed.

Jungkook: because i love you.

he said while his eyes still closed. it's surprising me. Slowly, he open his eyes and staring at me.

Jungkook: i love you y/n..

he said it again but this time he looked straight to my eyes.

y/n: jungkook, you are drunk.. just take a sleep..

i said and stand up. before I got into my room. Jungkook's words made me rebuild where I stood.

Jungkook pov.

I saw her go upstairs every step without seeing or glancing towards me. before she enters her room ..

Jungkook: i love you y/n.. when you will believe me again?

I say a little scream because our distance is so far away and I want her to clearly listen every one of my words.

Jungkook: i'm trying y/n.. i am.. believe on me this time.. give me a chance..

I said still using the same tone.

y/n: jungkook!! you are drunk!! just sleep!!

she said screaming and get in her room.

Jungkook: just wait y/n.. i will make you need me like how much that i need you.. just wait..

i said myself.

To Be Continue

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