Worries (PJ)

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Sorry the last chapter was so short! I hope y'all don't mind! I didn't have much to work within Fresh's POV!

I called Fresh, collecting up enough courage to ask him to the movies. Will he say yes!? W-Will he say no...? Well, I don't care! I will ask, just to see if he'll say yes! I grabbed my phone, my face tomato red and my hands shaking. 




It went to voice message, and I got a little worried. Fresh always has his phone on him... I sent a message, hoping he'd get back to me.

"Hey, Mr Fresh- I-I mean Fresh... well, I heard th-there was a good movie coming to theatre today... I was wondering if you'd wanna g-go see it with me. Call me back soon, alright?"

I waited a bit... 

30 minutes... 

1 hour... 

Is he okay!? What am I doing here!? Why aren't I with him!? What if he's hurt!? My anxiety welled up inside of me as I thought of everything that could have happened. Should I go over there? Should I mind my business? Should I wait for him to reply? Does he not wanna talk to me? What did I say last time I was with him? Is he going through something he never told me about? Is he in pain? If so, emotionally or physically? Questions continued to swirl around my head, making me dizzy. Alright! I'm gonna go over there and see if he's okay! He might just need me! I finally decided on a plan before teleporting to his house, and the sight I saw wasn't pretty...

"Fresh!? A-Are you okay!?" I ran to his bedside. His eyes were shut, his breaths were shallow.

"Huh...? P-PJ!?" He jerked upright, looking startled. There was a huge bruise on his left eye, and his arms were covered. Some dry blood was still left on his lip. I licked my thumb and wiped the blood away. "J-Jammy... why are you here?" He asked, my hand now resting on his cheek.

"I got worried about you, so I wanted to make sure you were okay... and I was clearly right to worry," I said, rubbing his cheek. He put his hand on mine as a few tears slipped down his face. "Who did this, Fresh?" As I uttered those words, the tears only streamed faster.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2019 ⏰

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