Chapter 5

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Arya and Firnen were in deep contemplation when Eragon his faculties to his surroundings. Finally, Firnen fixed one beady eye on Eragon. Thank you, Eragon-elda and Saphira-elda for saving Arya. The words were simple, yet the sincerity reverberated with every strand of musical thoughts. Eragon smiled, looking deep into Arya's eyes. "I would do it again, anytime, Firnen-finiarel." Saphira growled deeply in her chest. He means, we will do it again, anytime. The entire party laughed at Saphira's disgruntled tone. "But you realise, Eragon that we would have to recover the Eldunari that Galbatorix dropped? We would need to go back to Uru'baen, to declare his death and our victory before more lives are lost unnecessarily. We are needed, all of us." We agree. Everybody jumped. Glaedr and Umaroth had been silent for so long, that they had forgotten that the Eldunari were present and listening. Time still flows outside of this field. Eragon stood, releasing Arya's hand reluctantly. "Then let us go back." Eragon gritted his teeth as distant sounds of battle blended with the howl of the wind, destroying the sense of serenity that had grew during the journey back to Uru'baen. A somber mood hung about the party- the many Eldunari that had fallen from Galbatorix's saddlebags did not survive but instead shattered into colourless, powdery dust. The dragons had been devastated, keening their loss with both their real and mental voices. Eragon and Arya decided to gather up what was left of the last Eldunari and scatter them into the wind. 

It was for the best, Eragon concluded. He sighed, once again depressed that so many have had to be sacrificed in order to overthrow Galbatorix. Arya tightened her grip on Eragon's waist and propped her chin onto his shoulder. Eragon's heart lifted then and he smiled. " I loathe to return to The Varden and once again engage in such tiresome politics, Arya. Not when we can spend our time together." Arya made a soft sound of amusement. It suddenly occurred to Eragon that Arya had finally relaxed and developed a playful gaiety after she had learnt of Galbatorix's death. "We are much needed, Eragon. Even though Galbatorix is dead, Alagaesia still needs her riders to restore peace onto this land. There is much that needs to be done." She paused before adding in an even softer voice, "But I want to do it with you." Before Eragon could react, Saphira interrupted playfully, Firnen, it seems that our riders are too intoxicated with each other's presence. Firnen agreed, coughing a low growl of amusement. Arya even refused to ride me under the false pretence that I am way too young and way too small to carry her weight. He shook his head from side to side. Betrayal from my very own rider. Eragon looked at Arya's chagrinned face and flushed. He could feel his ears and face going hot. Oops. Arya laughed at the sight of his expression. Firnen, you know that's not true. You are too young too be ridden. Besides, we still don't have a saddle for you. She pondered shortly. Saphira, you know this, don't you? Saphira let out a snort of mock indignation and a puff of smoke from her nostril that left Eragon and Arya coughing and gasping for air. Thanks to you Arya, my rider has been ignoring my presence! I should let out a jet of fire to roast you so that you'll become unattractive to Eragon so that his attentions will return to me! Saphira rumbled with laughter. Eragon swatted Saphira on her spike. Saphira!When you first met Firnen, you ignored me for three days straight! Eragon shot back. He was the second free dragon I'd met. Saphira retorted, suddenly defensive. What did you expect. When you first saw Arya standing on the middle of the training field, you blocked your mind entirely to me so that all I could see from you was her  long, flowing hair, emerald green eyes and shapely waist. Arya stared at Eragon with raised eyebrows and Eragon quailed under her gaze. Firnen roared with laughter. Sorry Arya, you may be my rider but you are not entirely attractive. He glanced sideways at Saphira. Saphira on the other hand. . . he huffed a cloud of dark smoke. . .  she's smoking. 

Thus bantered like a family, teasing each other and getting teased back in return. With each beat of Saphira's wings, they gradually approached the city of Uru'baen. Hatchlings, look. We have reached Uru'baen. Umaroth's consciousness was coloured with amusement; he had been listening to their banters. Eragon looked at the city of Uru'baen and frowned. The city's stone walls were high, strong and solid. The castle was to the north with four corner towers that were joined by a curtain wall that surrounded a courtyard that was blossoming with flowers and the main keep itself. The massive keep was the highest feature of the castle, towering over the surrounding buildings. The entire castle was constructed of white marble that gleamed in the midday sun. Surrounding the castle was a wide, deep moat. The drawbridge was lowered and soldiers were fighting each other. The Varden is overwhelmed Eragon realised. Despite the dire straits the The Varden was in, he noticed that the city was the grandest that he had ever cast his eyes upon, save for Ellesmere. The buildings were graceful structures that had elvish nuance and Eragon realised that he was looking at the city that was integral to the history of the riders. However, the war had created rivers of blood in Uru'baen, damned by the debris of battle. Bodies and mutilated body parts were strewn all over the stone pavements. The city was the image of destruction. The survivors of The Varden cheered and bang their weapons on their armour and shields when they saw Saphira and Firnen. Most of the soldiers from The Empire laid down their weapons and openly surrendered. Then a deep roar erupted from their left, Eragon turned and saw Murtagh and Nasuada atop Thorn. He smiled, waving to them. Then he magically amplified his voice. "People of The Varden! We have won this war!" The Varden cheered with renewed vigour. "Galbatorix is dead! We have killed him together with his twisted dragon Shruiken. Finally our efforts have prevailed!" Now, even the few women that had trekked with the men to war had joined the cheers from The Varden's campsite a few miles away from Uru'baen. " Our leader, Nasuada and the elf ambassador, Arya, have both been rescued alive and well! So on the dawn of the third, after we have cleaned up the city, disposed of the dead and treated the wounded, we shall celebrate and hold a feast to proclaim our success and honour our dead. Eragon had to cover his sensitive ears to the next wave of cheers. "As for the people of The Empire, surrender and lay down your weapons. As long as you do not resist, The Varden will not harm you. You will be taken as prisoners of war and shall remain as such until you are willing to swear your allegiance to The Varden. However if you do swear your allegiance to The Varden, then you will be treated as one of us. Such is my last order as the leader of The Varden." Eragon paused for emphasis. "Henceforth, I return the role back to Nasuada. May she lead us all too glory." Eragon turned to Nasuada. She was smiling hesitantly at him and he smiled back. "Letta." As his voice returned to his normal voice volume, he turned to Arya and said, "I really hate speeches." He gripped the pommel of Brisingr. "Alas, that was most eloquent, Eragon." Eragon fixated Arya with a look of disbelief. "I'm proud of you." Arya held Eragon's gaze until he had utterly lost himself in those deep depths of his love's emerald green eyes. 

Saphira dipped towards the ground in a sudden jerk and the spell was broken. Saphira, Firnen and the other Eldunari laughed as Eragon and Arya recovered their composure. Ah. . . young love. Glaedr signed. The dragons landed on a courtyard in the middle of the city, the only where all three was moderate comfort. Arya ran to Firnen and embraced him, rubbing his nose affectionately. Murtagh, Thorn and Nasuada however, approached Eragon. Nasuada had grown much thinner and paler before. Her cheekbones were more prominent, her eyes were sunken. She looked terrible. The greatest difference, however, was in the way she conducted herself. No longer was she radiating confidence and self-assuredness. In its place was vulnerability and deep rooted sadness that was absent before her imprisonment. Yet she seemed to orientate herself around Murtagh, as if he offered much protection. Rage welled up in Eragon when he considered what Galbatorix had done to Arya and Nasuada. "Are you alright, Nasuada? I'm sorry I couldn't protect you." "Eragon, you have defeated Galbatorix and saved us all. As for me. . . it's nothing a good rest and a few extra meals won't heal." She smirked, indicating Arya with a tip of her head. "You should turn your attentions to Arya." Eragon turned to look at Arya and noticed that she was brimming with happiness as she walked over to the party together with Firnen and said, "I have been adequately healed." She smiled at Nasuada. "The sparrows did escape the hawk." Nasuada returned the smile. "Not without the help from the dragons." Arya laughed, "Only because the dragons would love to eat the sparrows themselves." They were interrupted by the arrival of Orik. Eragon was pleased to see him alive and unhurt. The dwarf was accompanied by his guards when he went up to Eragon and pulled him into a rough hug. "Eragon! It's good to see you again, foster brother and you have defeated Galbatorix!" Orik laughed and clapped his fist to his chest. "It brings warm feelings to mine heart. I would hold a celebration in your honour but as you have already announced a feast already. I shall enjoy this celebration before inviting you to an even grander one in Tronjheim,eh? You have brought honour to Durgrimst Ingeitum, as well as our entire race." Eragon closed his eyes, once again thankful that Galbatorix is felled. "I would be thankful for that, I wouldn't miss a good feast." Saphira growled and snorted. Orik looked at her, his smile hiding in his beard. " Of course you are welcome, Saphira. You are the partner of mine foster brother. That means we are all family aren't we?" Orik surveyed the party gathered. "You are all invited to the feast, Arya, Firnen, Blodgharm, Nasuada. . ." Orik broke off as his gaze fell upon Murtagh and a look of sheer fury masked his face.

 "You!" In a flash Orik drew Volund and charged Murtagh so fast that Eragon could not stop him. The Eldunari growled. Eragon cursed. He rushed forward to restrain Orik. "Orik,wait!" He hugged Orik from behind and by interlocking his forearms with Orik's shoulders, managed to prevent Orik from moving forward and to avoid being hit by Volund. It took almost all of Eragon's superhuman strength to restrain the dwarf, who was bellowing a string of Dwarvish and straining against Eragon. "Why did you kill Hrothgar, why?" Orik struggled, trying to break free of Eragon'sgrip. Once again, Eragon was taken aback at how dense the dwarf was. Thorn steeped in front of Murtagh, growling and ready to pounce on Orik at a moments notice. Orik's guard placed themselves between Thorn and the King, ready to die for their King. Saphira roared, stamping her foot on the ground. Murtagh, surprisingly took no action to defend himself but rather stood protectively in front of Nasuada. "Letta!" The word shouted by Arya was not magical but rather, infused with energy so that it would capture the attention of all present. Eragon was impressed by the wisdom of Arya's actions.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2019 ⏰

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