What Am I?

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I am not a good partner.
I can sing praises to your beauty,
I can encourage you to continue on your journey,
I can reassure you of your worth,
I am not a good partner.
I can wait for you hours on end,
I can baby you up when you're sick,
I can give you everything in my heart,
But I am not,
A good partner.
I can answer you swiftly,
I can give you my undivided attention,
I can express my love in poems,
I am not,
A good partner.
I can love you tenderly,
Choke and spank you if you like,
Or combine the two;
I am,
A good partner.
I do my best to understand,
I try to be open minded,
I try to admit when I'm wrong,
I fail at these often,
I want to continue to grow,
But I am not a good partner.
I spend a lot of time in my own head,
I love people to share in my interests,
Sometimes I sit in silence,
Because I'm not a good partner.
Sometimes I can't express myself,
My attitude shows,
I have anger issues,
Because I'm not a good partner.
I read too deep into things,
And I hurt myself,
I overthink without expressing my thoughts,
Because I'm not a good partner.
I procrastinate,
A lot.
I start off very strong but I have trouble finishing,
Because I'm not a good a partner. 
I'd give the world for my friends,
Anyone I love,
I'd go to great lengths,
But I'm not a good partner.
I like to hold the door open for others,
I don't like for others to litter,
I sometimes help strangers,
But I am not,
A good partner. 
I give my last without thought for myself,
I'll cheer you on in anything positive you do,
I'll be a shoulder to cry on or a late night phone call,
But I'm not a good partner.
I lose interest quickly,
I withdraw from everyone,
I jumble up my words,
Because I'm not a good partner.
Sometimes I'm impatient,
Sometimes I'm not loving,
Sometimes I fall into sad states,
Because I'm not,
A good,

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