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Richelle's pov:

it's been a day since the incident and Noah's mom is coming for dinner.. apparently she wants to apologise but i know that Val isn't going to take shit, she's going to turn down manners and turn up attitude and sass so this is going to be interesting... the only thing i don't know is how far she'll take it. 

*30 minutes later* 

"hey ma" Noah said opening the door 

"my baby" she said pulling away from the hug

"everyone dinner!" Val yelled, her and Kingston were cooking 

soon we were all sitting at the dining room table eating in silence 

"this dish is absolutely beautiful" Mrs Erlick said 

"unlike you" Val said with an innocent smile 

 "that wasn't very polite" Mrs Erlick frowned 

"says the women who insulted her own child" Val fired back

Mrs Erlick sighed

"i know i was rude and i'm sorry but you have to see it from my perspective, i lost my son and this random girl that looks nothing like me tries to replace him"

"ok i'm trying to see it your way, but i can't seem to get my head the far up my ass" Val responded politely

"look i'm sorry, i would love to start a relationship with you- 

"thank you, NEXT" Val grins, she was enjoying this 

"do you have to be so stuck up"Mrs Erlick snapped standing up

"jealousy is a disease get well soon bitch" Val said sipping red wine 

"do you have no heart?" Mrs Erlick asked 

"i'm not heartless I've just learned to use my heart less" grinned

"that's the same thing"

"i'm sorry did your parents die in a fire? did you spend two months fending for yourself? did your sister get kidnapped? did your actual sister convince you to fake your death making you believe your protecting the people you love then sell you off as a sex slave? i have a reason to be a bitch, what's your excuse?" Val asked 

"i-i-i'm sorry" Mrs Erlick said 

" i know you are, you have a week, if you don't start acting like a mother i'll walk away and never look back" Val said standing up and walking out closely followed by Kingston

Mrs Erlick looked at me with an "that's so unfair" look

"if your looking for Sympathy don't look at me, if it were up to me you would have never stepped foot into my house again" i spat before strutting out

Val's pov: 

right now me and Kingston are watching a movie in bed

"apollo?" i asked


"wanna be my boyfriend?"

"yeah sure"

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