>Chapter 1<

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Marie POV

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Marie POV


" Ughhh..... Five more minutes." I said faintly

I turn off my alarm clock and pulled the covers over my head.

" Marie get your ass up!!!! It's time to get ready! " Jermaine yelled busting open my room door.

" Go away, Maine! "

" Marie I'm not going to stop the bus driver and stall for you, because you couldn't get your butt out of this house on time. Now get ready for school! "

With that, he shuts my door and leaves me to my privacy. I sigh and rises from my bed." At least this boy could've turned on the lights, "I said to myself. I walked over to my door and turned on the light switch. Once the lights were on I headed directly to my closet to find me something to wear.

It took me two minutes to find my grey sweater and black tights, I then walked out of my closet and places the clothes on my bed, turning around and heading back into my closet to find the perfect pair of shoes to go with my outfit. I grabbed my white pair of Air Forces and walked out of my closet and put them at the foot of my bed. Locking my room door I begin to slip off my PJs and start to put on my clothes for today. Once I had my sweater and tights on I went over to the dresser and look inside to find me some socks.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2021 ⏰

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