The Program

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The Superhero community had made some very public mistakes recently. The situation was tense. Lives had been carelessly lost and people were crying for the arrest of vigilantes.

In attempt to repair the relationship between heroes and the public, the idea was brought forward to hold a contest where someone from the public would be able to spend a week with a hero affiliated with the United Nations. As all UN affiliated heroes where bound the UN Heroes Charter, and such being the law, it would supposedly foster within the public a more positive view of superheros.

Steve sighed and straightened himself up him his chair. Waiting on his civilian to arrive.

He didn't think it would help anything. It would only attract those who already adored heroes. But Widow made a good point about it being in the public eye and that it would at least be somewhat of a positive influence. He still wasn't sure. Doing their Job was hard enough already, having to take care of a civilian was going to make things worse. And what if someone under a hero's protection was killed? It was too much of a risk.

But there wasn't much he could do but grin and bear it. He had no say in the matter. The UN did what it saw fit, and if that was giving out heroes like toys won in a carnival game...

The door opened and three people walked into the room. Two he knew to be UN Superhero liaisons. The other he assumed was his civilian. It would be fair to say that the man before him was far from what he expected.

He was expecting a teen or young adult. He assumed that would be the demographic most interested. The Man before him was middle aged man who looked like he was some well payed executive.

He was handsome. He had short dark hair and a neatly trimmed beard that set of his face. His brown eyes were warm and framed by beautify long lashes.

And his smile.

Steve was sure he was going to spend countless hours trying to recreate on canvas. Big and honest, slightly predatory and with a slight pull upwards to the right. He was beginning to think it would quickly become his favorite smile in the world.

The man held out his hand. "Hi, I'm Tony" he said.

Steve gladly took his hand, returning Tony's smile.

He began to wonder if the PR program wasn't such a bad thing after all.

The End

Notes: For my Cap-Iron Man Bingo Prompt "Day in the life" [N3]

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