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"Move, Fucker." Seungri snapped at the boy that was now sprawled out on the floor beneath him. A few other jocks laughed; one even spitting on the younger. Luckily it missed and landed a mere 3 centimetres away from his hand.

"sorry." He scrambled and stood up to bow, before he was forced back down on his knees and whimpered because oh fuck the pressure on his shoulder was unbearable. He didn't make a sound though, he was used to it.

"You think so highly of yourself huh? You're just a scrawny, pathetic, little rat. Don't pull that shit with me huh?" Seungri growled, his dark eyes casting down on the brown-haired kid's figure. "Bow like I'm your fucking king, runt. You don't deserve to bow to me standing. 90° or not. You could do a fucking 360° bow and It would still mean less.. Yes, Like that. Good, so maybe you do have sense hm, Jeon Jungkook?"

A small red-breasted bird tugged at the little worm thrashing in attempts to stay underground. Taehyung merely dismissed the presence of the bird, More so the worm as his tongue poked out between his lips as he went through his camera.

Too unnatural... Completely unoriginal... blurry.... ew. wait, who is that?

His mind went into a frenzy as he attempted to recognize the blondish brown head in the corner of one of his shots.

Damn, That was a good picture too.

With a small frown, he went to delete it, but he found himself hesitating for a moment.
It didn't feel right to delete it.

So he skipped past it.

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