NEW POINT OF YOU (English version)

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The new point of you, your new point... a carefree but serious expression that let you think, just for a moment, alone, about you. Without being always linked to the ideas of others or to the ideas that others have of you or how they look at you or how you try hard to be like they want to. Think yourself!

Just to be clear, we are talking about you, not other big deals. You count, you are important but you should be like that in the first place for yourself. If you are important for the others it is cool, but you are you and if you don't love yourself who other will? Yeah, of course, some God, your mother, a relative or a friend, but trust me when I say that you have to think about yourself, because you are the only one who can know and perfectly understand yourself. Or at least just try! For example, just dine yourself out sometimes, for sure you can also call a friend, but you should also dine with yourself, cuddle yourself and let you understand what is wrong, what you don't like, what you want to change or what weight you down. Talk to yourself clearly, because sometimes your inner Me talks to fast and it seems hard to understand what it says. To you it sounds like a background noise but it's it who mumbles... and I'm not telling you that you have to change your lifestyle, you just have to live like you've always done but with a different spirit. Do not let your boss to put you down, just because you are scared to lose your work, not to be able to pay the bills, or to lose the one you love; just think to get knowledge of who you are and just don't care because you are good at your work and you know your abilities, just talk to your boss explaining your motivations and if he doesn't want to hear you just have to stop listening to him. Why should you listen someone who doesn't listen to you? Why should you put yourself down? You can live happy also without what you have now, it's just the world who is telling you that you need it. Obviously the more you have the better you live. At least in the opinion of most. It's true, you can afford more goods, just if it doesn't mean 20 hours of work everyday, otherwise you have nothing, because you can have a new HD multipower television that cares for itself, a self-playing dog, and a self-cuddling wife ( or husband ). Otherwise you maintain your old-fashioned Tv but you can think at your wife, to your dog, and fuck off the Tv, and almost fuck off the dog as well and if you have enough time just fancy a beer with you friend. The message is: enjoy your life, think also about your career and enjoy it but never go against your mind and your body, life sucks anyway, even if you give the 110% to family, work, friends, appointments, telephone and the hello boring dog ( just take a bird, it eat less). The biggest sacrifice will never let you be happy, just doing happy things makes you happy. And if something make you sad, just think to the motivations, solve it or leave it... HAPPY.

NEW POINT OF YOU (English version)Where stories live. Discover now