Acting Weird

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Tray Pov
I woke up and i went to the bathroom to take my shower. I passed by airi room and walked in she was sleep. I walked over to her bed and gave her a kiss

Airi:" Carmen stoopp" she said

Tray:" Carmen?"

Airi:" oh he-ey tray" she said sitting up

Tray:" hey" i said suspicions

Tray:" well im going to go take a shower"

Airi:"ok" she said laying back down

I walked out of airi room and went to the bathroom. Why did she call me carmen

Airi pov
I was still sleep and someone came and gave me a kiss and i thought it was carmen, then i said "Carmen stop" but when i open my eyes it was Tray, i knew after i said Carmen ik i messed up big time so i just played it off then he walked out of my room and went to go take a shower

Corey pov
I woke up and Carmen didnt wanna lay on my chest so she was on the other side of the bed. I went over to where she was and i gave her a kiss

Carmen:" Corey stop" carmen said pushing me

Corey:" whats wrong with you" i said standing up

Carmen:" nothing airi"she said

Corey:" airi?"

Carmen:" nun just leave me alone" she said getting up and leaving the room

Carmen pov
Did i just call corey airi. Now im in big trouble. I got up and walked to airi room.

Carmen:" Airi you awake" i said walking in the room

Airi:"yeah come in babymama"

Carmen:" ok something crazy just happend" i said walking up to her

Airi:"same but you go first"

Carmen:" when i was sleep, Corey came over to me and gave me a kiss and i said Corey stop and he said what's wrong with you and i said nothing airi and he said Airi and thats when i got up and came in here with you to tell you" i explained

Airi:" same bc tray came in and kissed me and i thought it was you so i said "Carmen stop" " airi explained

Carmen:" do you think there going to ask us what we got going on"

Airi:" yeah but not today they want to try and get all the clues first" she said

I kisses airi and she kissed me back. We were kissing for a while till someone knock on the door

Airi:"who is it" she said yelling at the door

Tray:" Tray" he said

Airi:sigh "come in"

Tray walked in the door

Tray pov
When i got out the shower i was going to ask airi why she called me carmen. So i walked out the bathroom and went to airi room. I knocked on the door and i walk in to see Carmen and Airi. I think carmen and airi got something going on

Tray:" Airi can i talk to you for a sec"

Airi:" Carmen do you mind"


Carmen walked out the room and i walked over to airi and tried to kiss her but she moved

Airi:" Tray what do you want"

Tray:" why are you acting so weird" i said backing up

Airi:" im not acting weird i just dont wanna kiss you rn"

Tray:" Can i ask you a question"

Airi:" umm sure"

Tray:" why did you call me Carmen when i kissed you this morning"

Airi looks away and walked out the room

Airi pov
I did wanna tell him but i couldn't. So i just walked out the room and got carmen

Airi:" Carmen" i said walking to her room

Carmen:" yeah"

Airi:" im going to take you somewhere put some clothes on"


After that carmen came out with a yellow crop top with blue jean pants. We got in the car and we went out to eat

Carmen pov
So me and airi went out to eat and when we was done eating, we sat in the car and talked

Carmen:" soo umm, what do we do next" i said looking at airi

She didnt say nothing she just kissed me. The kiss started to get heated. So i told airi to take us to a hotel and we can finish. She said ok.

What will happen next
With love from Savannah❤❤

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