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Jacob POV

We are in Vegas WE LIVE BABY and Michael is here

Michael POV

I'm in Vegas with my baby and it is so much fun and that's when guy cane up to him

John: Aye jacob

Jacob: What's good

Michael lift his eyebrow and that's whem jacob introduced him

Jacob: Johb tbis is my boyfriend michsel and michael this is gone

John: Nice to meet you ...I'm a Fan

Michael: nice to meet you and thanks

Then he left and Jacob turned to michsel

Jacob: Don't worry babe

Michael: I'm not ...just be careful

Jacob: i will but come on the fair is in town

Michael: ok

They went to the fair and it was alot of fun They loved spending time with each other

Jacob POV

This was alot of fun I really enjoy my time with Michael he's the best boyfriend ever

Michael POV

This was really fun i enjoy my time with Jacob ...I'm glade to have him apart of my life he means everything to me

Jacob: Babe did u habe fun

Michael: i did

Jacob: That's good I'm glade u did

Michael: me too

Jacob: i love you

Michael: i love you too

They kissed and went back to the hotel to pack cause they are leaving tomorrow

Jacob POV

We are leaving tomorrow and we only been in vegas for two months but i enjoyed myself with Michael

Michsel POV

We are leaving tomorrow to go back home ahhh i miss my home sweet Neverland

Jacob: well goodnight see you in the morming

Michael: ok Goodnight

They kissed turned the light off and went to sleep

Next Morning

Jacob POV

Califorona here we come ahhh I miss home so much

Michael POV

We are heading home Neverland here i come i miss my home so much i got a blanket and fell asleep ...we was on my private jet lol

Jacob cuddled up next to Michael and fell asleep on him on their way back to California

Los Angeles California

Jacob POV

I woke up amd saw that we made it back i woke babe up

Michael pov

I was sleeping Good until babe woke me up

Jacob: babe wake up we made it home

He got up and they got their things Michael unlocked the door

Michael POV

Ahhh i missed you so much home sweet home but we went upstairs to unpack

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