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(Still In Canada's POV. Also he's older, he's actually 13 now.)
I leaned against the bathroom door, Contemplating my decision. Was living with America and Russia the best decision? Father would surely be angry. Mother would be as well. I hesitate to grab my phone, picking it up after a moment and turning it on and off for a while. I finally gain the confidence to call America. Russia picks up after the phone rings twice. "Hey Canada." The familiar voice says. "Oh, Hey Russia." I reply. "What's up? We talked about an hour ago." He asks. I sigh into the phone. "I'm- I'm kinda worried about how my family is gonna react. America has to have told you about my dad." I say shakily. "Don't worry. We won't let anything happen. If something does end up happening, we just leave to avoid conflict, ok?" He says. "Ok, Thank you." I reply. "We'll be there in a few hours, be ready, okay?" He says. "Alright. I'll be ready." Russia hangs up and I smile, and put my phone in my back pocket. opening the bathroom door and walking out, I look down the stairs at Australia, sitting on the couch and watching TV, while mother and father argue about something in the kitchen. Part of the reason I even wanted to move is because of their relationship. My mother and father had a great relationship before Germany. It's not like I blame East or West Germany for their fathers wrongdoing, But ever since then, it's made mother and fathers relationship fall apart. I quit thinking about it and walk to my room, closing the door behind me. I had packing to do.
Not like I had much to pack, My brother got most of the gifts from my mom and dad, Not like I was complaining though. It was sort of a fact that my parents loved my brothers a lot more than me.
I throw an assortment of clothes into my bag, along with my notebook and a pack of colored pencils. I looked around my room, making sure I had everything I would need to move. After compulsively checking my bag to make absolutely sure I had everything, I throw my bag to the side and lay down on my bed, checking the time before drifting to sleep.
[TS 1h 30m]
Waking up to my name being called by Australia from downstairs, I Immediately sit up, still groggy from the nap I had taken. I go to open my door and notice it open. Didn't I close it before I went to bed? I walked down the stairs cautiously. "Yes?" I ask my dad nervously. He sighs a bit and gestures for me to sit down. I comply, sitting on the chair across from him. "So." He starts, looking at me. I make it a point to keep my gaze on the floor. "Care to tell me where you're planning on going?" He asks. I could feel my heartbeat get faster as he finished the sentence. I look at the ground and inhale slowly as if to avoid the conversation. "I.. uh.. I'm not. I'm not planning on going anywhere." I say weakly. I know I'm a terrible liar most of the time, but it was worth a shot. Father leaned in, glaring at me. "Don't lie to me, Canada." He says. France, My mother, Comes out of the Kitchen, Probably after cooking judging by the smell of the house. "What's going on?" She asked. "Well, Canada has a bag packed and I'm trying to figure out what it's about." He says, still staring daggers at me. She closes her eyes for a short moment before looking at me, clearly angry. "So?" She says expectantly. I looked over at Australia, who I could tell was pitying me intensely. I look back at the ground and sigh. "I told you. I'm not going anywhere." I say. Mom and dad both seem pissed, so I decide to stay quiet the rest of the time they're talking to me. "Canada. You know we want you here. Is this something personal?" Mother asks, still livid. "No.." I respond quietly.
"So you ARE planning on going somewhere." Father says. Realizing I sold myself out, I crack under the pressure of the situation and tell them everything. Australia seems sympathetic, giving me worried glances every now and then. Father seems beyond mad, while mother seems to have calmed down. This is one of the reasons I wanted to move in the first place. The constant arguing and all of the anger being taken out on me most of the time. Father says a few profanities under his breath before standing up and glaring at me angrily. Mother gives father a look that says, 'Don't do what you're about to do.' Clearly. I yelp as I'm pulled out of the chair by my left wrist. Mother raises her voice at father. "England. Stop." She says in a low growl towards him. The grip on my wrist releases and I exhale a sigh of relief. I look at father, who was looking at Mother understandably. He took a long sigh, looked at me, and nodded towards the stairs, gesturing me to my room. "Grab the bag and wait out here." He said sternly. I looked over at Australia, who was smiling weakly at me. I returned the smile towards him before walking into my room, closing the door behind me. I pressed my back against the door, exhaling briefly and picking up the bag and looking at the time. 23 minutes. Twenty-Three whole minutes of sitting awkwardly in the living room. Great. I walk out of my room and walk down the stairs soundlessly, throwing my bag down on the couch and sitting down next to Australia. He looks off to the side, directing his vision towards my mother and father, Bickering quietly, my father raising his voice ever so slightly. My mother attempting to explain something to him, only to get my father more heated. I sigh gently. Part of me feels bad for leaving Australia, even if he's older and more capable than me. Its not like he can handle the yelling and fighting any better than I can. I turn my head away from Australia and to the door, watching the front door knob impatiently. 'I want to get out of here.' I think.
[TS- 15 minutes]
After my mother and father decided on a conclusion in their argument, they were silent. the TV played as chattering background noise while I looked at the ground, thinking about my decision one last time. Not like it mattered. The plan was already in motion, there was no going back. I heard voices from behind the door, before the knob turned and my brother walked in. "Hey." He smiled at australia, who Smiled back, but something about it seemed- off at the least. I brush it off, Grabbing my bag and standing up to leave. My Mother and Father don't seem to be upset, Nor disappointed. I try to read their faces for clues about what they're feeling, But it began to feel unsettling. The void of emotion from them made me want to shudder. America nodded at me, And I quickly moved out of my seat as towards the doorway. Before leaving, I waved at Australia weakly, Who smiled and waved back. I walked out of the house and to the car in the driveway, Opening up the back door and getting in. Russia was passed out, Sleeping peacefully, so I closed the car door as quietly as possible, Looking out the window to the house I would hopefully never see again.

*uwus sadly*
I really hope this is better, Now that canada isn't being fuckin Choke Slammed every chapter, Let's hope he has less Nightmares too lmao, Next chapter is gonna be out in a few days, it's Ilearn season in the US so no homework as were tryna take it easy. So that means .•*F r e e  t i m e*•.

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