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Hello Ladies and Gentlemen. My name is Count Ziion and I will be your dream master. Let us get a few things out of the way first... This is purely fanfiction which involves Greek Mythology, I will be bending the mythology a little to fit the aesthetic I am trying to make. I respect all Religions, Beliefs and Whatever else you personally believe all I ask is that you don't try to push it onto me. These are some words (Phrase, Abbreviations) you will see throughout the book.
A/N = Author's Note/ Me running my mouth
Y/N = Your Name
H/C = Hair Color
H/L = Hair Length
E/C = Eye Color
F/C = Favorite Color
F/S = Favorite Song
POV = Point of View

I welcome Feedback, especially if you are taking time out of your life to read my story. So please feel free to leave me messages and some constructive criticism. I like having feedback it lets me know what you all like and what to do more of. Well now that I am done rambling, why don't we start the story shall we?


~The Throne Room - Olympus~

"RELEASE HER THIS INSTANT," Zeus' voice boomed throughout The Throne Hall. "And if I say no brother, what do you intend to do about it?" said a calm cold voice. He had you pressed against his back, protecting you from the prying eyes of the other Deities. Y/N looked up from the broad back that gave you such warmth and comfort. There he is protecting you again, Hades. "I have caused you nothing but trouble and it only seems to get worse," Y/N thought, looking at the fiery raged that enveloped his piercing green eyes. "HERA," Zeus yelled turning his gaze to you, piercing you with his deep blue eyes. You gulped as she tightened her grip on Hades' suit. Feeling you tense up more Hades pushed right between you and Zeus, looking at him eye to eye. "That is not her name anymore, they may share the same soul, but they are not the same," Hades said in a more dominant tone, almost snarling. "YOU HAVE NO AUTHORITY OVER MY WIFE," Zeus says jabbing his finger in Hades' shoulder with every word. A dark plum purple aura with scream skulls started to engulf Hades. While a royal blue aura with lightning engulfed Zeus, their energy clashing in between them making a loud thunder in The Throne Hall. Neither brother breaking their intense gaze. "I think that is quite enough, don't you think brothers," Poseidon said pushing the two brothers away from each other faces, Hermes and Apollo were pushing Zeus back and Y/N and Persephone were pulling Hades away. "We are all trying to find solutions and make a game plan but, it is impossible to get anywhere if in every meeting you are at each other's throats. Now Children sit down so that we can continue with the meeting," Poseidon says slightly towering over his brothers. Each god and goddess went back to their thrones while Y/N stood with Persephone next to Hades' Throne. You could still feel the piercing gaze of Zeus' eyes on you, you starred ahead to the empty throne with a Peacock Feather symbol on the crown of the throne. You felt a slight ping in your chest, staring at the throne, drawing you to it as if telling you that only you could ever lay claim to this throne. "Now Agent Y/N, Please proceed with your finding and report," Poseidon ushered considering Zeus was still pouting over the recent event that took place. Y/N stepped from behind Hades' throne and walked to the center, standing before the 12 deities. Y/N cleared her throat, "Right away Sir."


I hope you all enjoyed the opening, please let me know if you would like to see the next chapter, until then I bid you all a farewell, until we meet again.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2019 ⏰

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