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Terra is trying to ignore what she just witnessed, her brain fighting her emotions of telling her what's right. Just 2 weeks ago she would have of never thought that she would have to make this decision.  She has always had very caring parents, it's just that her parents are going through a divorce.  Terra is already going through a lot and she believes the only reason her parents are spliting up is because of her.  She is an only child and has barely any friends and none of them are close. There is a diary that is kept, that she feels is her only friend, and she constantly is writing that she is alone in the world. She headed toward the kitchen and heard her dad yelling and glass shattering. Instinctively  ran to the sound of her dad and as she starts opening the door to the family room her dad yells at her to go upstairs.  So  walking up the stairs slowly and then she hears another man's voice. It's a voice she has never heard before, but the voice sounds menacing and mysterious. As she walks up the stairs the man's deep voice bellows “ where is my money!" and right after my dads voice saying "I'll have it for you just calm down". With no one to tell the situation I just heard I have to bottle it up, and make sure that no one gets suspicious.


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