The Movie

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They lean in, closer and closer and closer until they hear a voice. A voice very familiar. It was Emily. She had decided to go to the movies with her friends considering Adi had told her he couldn't make it to the dinner. "Adi? What are you doing here? Who is this? Why are you here?" Adi quickly let go of Nick's hands and backed away, slowly walking towards Emily. "Well this is Nick one of the Free Time people, he's also in my volleyball club. But he was going through some girl trouble and needed some guy help everyone else was busy so I decided I could help him out. Emily seemed relieved kissed Adi on his cheek and headed the other way. Adi and Nick walked into their movie and sat down in their seats. Luckily their seats were in the very back, because they weren't really watching the movie. They were more interested in talking about what had happened in the hallway. "So did you not feel anything?" Nick said. Adi was confused, "What? What do you mean of course I felt something. What's wrong?" Nick replied, "We had a connection then you just pushed me away and went straight to Emily like I was just a side ho." Adi was shocked, "You do know that's my girlfriend right? I can't just kiss you in front of my girlfriend, that'd mean I'm cheating. And trust me I'm not that type of guy." Nick seemed confused, "So what your saying is, that if she was not in front of you, you would kiss me?" Adi answered, "yes of course" Nick seemed even more confused in fact it looked like he was getting pissed, "But if u kiss anyone while you are in a relationship you are cheating. Even if they see you or not. Nevermind I don't want to talk about it, I don't know what I was thinking, liking a fuck-boy like you." Adi was so shocked he wasn't a fuck boy, in fact he had only had like 3 girlfriends in his whole life. He felt bad he didn't know what to do or how to make him feel better. Adi kept on playing the hallway scene in his head, he had never kissed anyone. He was in the V gang, he had a girlfriend and yet had never kissed her before. But, he almost kissed a boy that he had not been that close with. Nick was doing the same thing except for he was trying to reassure himself of the situation, "He's not gay, he's straight, he has a girlfriend." All of this was going through Nick's head. The credits for the movie popped up on the screen and everyone began leaving. Nick stood up, still pretty pissed, and started to walk away. Adi, "Nick. . . Wait. . ." Nick turned around and starred at Adi, he was unsure of what Adi was trying to do. Adi began walking towards Nick. Nick just stood in one spot with his button up shirt, the top button unbuttoned, his white and black vans, and his tight jeans. You could see every piece of meat with those jeans, every curve, every chunk, and every piece of ass. Adi grabbed Nick's hand and told him he was sorry and to not worry about that anymore. Nick's face seemed as if he wanted to punch Adi. Adi unbuttoned the top three buttons on Nick's shirt. Nick looked shocked and nervous but wanted to see where this was going. He put his hands on Adi's waist. Adi leaned in and pressed his lips against Nick's and began to press harder. Nick touched Adi's ass, and you could tell Adi liked it. They stopped kissing for a second, and adi undid his belt and began to unzip his pants. Nick looked surprised, "Are you sure you want to do this?" Adi answered, "Yes" He stopped. Adi stood there in his half way unzipped pants. Nick wasn't sure what to do, but he didn't want to disappoint Adi. Adi pushed Nick onto a chair and sat next to him pressing their lips together again. Nick began running his hands up Adi's thighs and his ass. Adi stood up, and so did Nick. Adi got on his knees and started undoing the button on Nick's pants. "NO STOP!" said Nick. Adi looked up at Nick as though Nick had just shot him with a bullet. Nick looked down at Adi and didn't know what to say, he was ghosted. He layed Adi down on the ground and layed down next to Adi. They began kissing again. Nick had heard the movie theater door opening. He told Adi but he did not pay attention. Nick quickly buttoned up his shirt and ran down the stairs to the bottom row seats. Adi was still so shocked about what had happened, that he was paralyzed. He couldn't move, it was as if he was hallucinating.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2021 ⏰

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