Chapter Six

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I glance out the window, watching the sun set. The light reflected my wedding ring, making me smile.


I sat in my room, not wanting to get off the phone with Jerome. But sadly he needed to go somewhere. I never forgot what he told me.

"Trust me, you won't forget this day." I wasn't sure what he meant at the time.

"Okay? Well, I'll talk to you soon. Bye!" He said his goodbye as well and hung up. I ran to the bathroom and decided to get ready early. Mitch wanted to take me out to dinner.

I simply straightened my hair and put on a sundress. I wasn't really the kind to wear fancy stuff, but I did every once in a while.

When I answered the door, Mitch's goofy grin stared back at me.


"Boo boo." I replied.

"You look ready."

"So do you." He held his arm out.

"Shall we go my lady?" I laughed and took his arm.

It was a really nice dinner,and an expensive one at that. We argued over how we should pay it.

"I don't care what you say, I'll pay for it." Mitch said convincingly.

"OK fine. Don't come crawling to me when you're broke!" I joked.

"You live in your parents house."

"So do you!" I exclaimed. We were both saving up for a house to live in together. He was working as a computer designer and I was a librarian. We both wanted better jobs, but it would do for now.

"Come on." He grabbed my hand pulled me away from the table and out to the balcony. The view was gorgeous. The restraint was on a footstep hill, and it overlooked a forest. The sun shimmered through the tops of the leaves, giving the area between us and the forest an orange glow.

"Pretty, isn't it?" I said.

"Just like you." He smirked.

"You think you're so smooth." I flirted.

"Would this be smooth?" He let go of my hand for a moment. I didn't pay much attention, for the view was so beautiful.

He shifted around. When I looked at him, I gasped. He sat on one knee, holding a box with a diamond ring in his hands.

"Katie, I've known since I could remember. We were best freinds, but then we became more than that. From neighbor, to best freind, to girlfriend. How would you like to be my wife?"

I didn't mind the two tears that streamed down my cheeks. I nearly tackled him and gave him a huge hug.

"So, is that a yes?" I grinned and nodded.

"Yeah, it is."

"Good. Now don't break the ring, we might need that." I got off of him and he let me have the ring. I kissed him again. Then I realized what Jerome had meant.


My parents and grandparents had already been told, as well as Mitch's family. Mitch had obviously told Jerome as well. We decided to have the wedding in one year. I took out most of my saving and Mitch took some of his and we bought a house.


I sigh. I don't even feel like crying, I just feel lost without him. My heart feels empty without him. I just want to remember him, all the memories we made. I take out some photos from our wedding. I start to cry once more.

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