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There's sOmething in your smile -

that makes me mOre inLove with yOu.

Your sMile whEN yOu're mAd -

lets me knOw hOw impOrtAnt i am tO you.

Your sMile whEN yOu're happy -

fills the emptiNEss in Me.

Your cute, simple sMile -

mAkes my heArtBeat out of cOntrol.

Your sMile astOnishes me -

whEn you think somethiNg is corny, stupid aNd siLly.

Your sMile with mOckery -

elicits a sMile into my fAce.

Your fOrced sMile -

mAkes me giggle with yOur chEeks.

Your aNnoyed sMile -

sEnds fLattery into my heart.

Your naughty, teasing sMile -

mAkes me wOnder whAt yOu're up to.

Your sMile when i look at yOu -

mAkes me mOre iNl♥ve with yOu.

nO matter whAt kiNd of sMIle yOu wear,

yOu're mAking me

mOre inL♥ve with yOu ^.^

< 10 - 01 - 10 >

[rha - eaj - se]

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2014 ⏰

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