August 13, 2012 Monday
After the very long break we had because of the Habagat, we are finally back to school. Yehey! I am back at school with a joyful heart. I felt so free. Free as a dove.
Of course, I saw him. And he was not wearing his jacket. Hmm. I have mentioned that ‘cause that’s one of the signs I asked from God. But that was supposed to happen last Tuesday. Haha. Share-share. You know what, I’m laughing a lot today? This is the real meaning of having a joyful heart. A joyful heart made by God.
He is not his usual self today. There is something missing in him particularly in his face. He would consider that a lost, I’m sure, ‘cause it incapacitate him in a way. But I consider it a gain. He looked better without those. I’m sure the ‘Queen’ would agree with me. You know the ‘Queen’? She’s the one I had mentioned in my poem CHESSY. Yeah, read that one so you’d be updated. Haha.
He talked to me. Haha. I’m hopeless! He didn’t talk to me in particular. I was with somebody that time and he was talking to both of us. So he talked to US (for clarification’s sake). His face was approximately one and a half feet away from mine(I was nearest him. Kilig?). You know that “magnetic like something”? That feeling that your hand is a steel and his face was a magnet? Haha. Electronegativity, chemically speaking? That was the exact feeling. But God pulled my hand. He restrained me. Thanks be to Him.
So electronegativity had not overcame my GREAT and POWERFUL GOD.
So my urge to touch his face remained an urge and will remain an urge, hopefully.