I'm Not Selfless

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Makoto couldn’t help but let the events earlier play in his head. Haru’s words, the face he made when he told him about his plan of leaving Iwatobi to attend a university in Tokyo, and his back retreating in the darkness. Did he do something wrong? Did he say what he wanted to clearly? Was confronting Haru the right thing to do?

He shook his head clear. No. He did nothing wrong. He had stated clearly what he wanted to say to Haru. But it seems that his words didn’t get through to the raven.

Stop going on about other people’s futures when you haven’t even decided on your own! He heard his friend’s words echo in his mind. Like what he said, he had really meant to tell Haru about it, he just didn’t get the right timing. And maybe, what happened a few moments ago wasn’t the right timing also, but he had no choice. Haru’s words needed an answer, and telling him about it was the only right one. He couldn’t postpone it any longer. It surprised him how calm he had answered the raven, but now that he was gone from his sight, he suddenly felt the tears that he had tried so hard to prevent from spilling stream down his cheeks breaking loose from their dam.

There was no denying the fact that his friend’s words had hurt him. It was the second time he had seen the ever stoic Haru to have an outburst – the first being back in the regionals. It shocked all of them and they couldn’t help but grow worried of their friend. But with the second outburst being directed at him and with no one else being there, the weight of Haru’s words was heavier. He had even pushed him back. He was stunned and could not react at all, so he just stayed still and listened to him.

All you ever do was meddle with everyone! Stop sticking your nose in everyone else’s business! Was that how Haru had really seen him? A meddlesome person ever since they were kids? He only did things he thought that was right. He coaxed Haru into joining the swimming club because he knew it would make the raven happy. He had asked him to join the relay back in their elementary days because he knew it would do something good to Haru. He had tried to bridge back Haru’s relationship with Rin because he knew the two needed it. And he had confronted him now because he knew if they weren’t straight with him it would just worsen. He couldn’t bear to watch the raven lose himself like that.

“Makoto?” he had heard someone call his name.

Before turning to see who it was he rapidly wiped the tears away and composed himself. He looked at the new comer and saw a familiar red head walking cautiously towards him. He gave Rin a warm smile, but despite his talent of hiding his emotions it seems that he couldn’t find it in himself to mask how he truly felt that moment.

Rin placed a hand on the brunette’s shoulder giving it a light squeeze. Despite seeing that familiar smile, he knew there was something wrong. “Hey, what happened?” he asked, his voice more gentle than usual. The red head figured asking his taller friend if he was okay didn’t seem right. It was fucking obvious so there was no point in asking.

“I wish I could say ‘nothing’ and ‘everything’s fine’. But it didn’t go well.” The brunette answered.

“You talked to him?” Makoto nodded in reply and leaned over the railing as he looked at the sea. It looked beautiful with the lanterns shining brightly as they floated on its surfaces and the moon’s light reflecting on it.

“I didn’t get through to him. I’m sorry.” The brunette sighed. Rin felt that Makoto was still not finished so he waited. His friend only let a few seconds pass before adding, ”and… I think Haru’s mad at me.” But he shook his head. “No, I think he might hate me.”  His voice was soft that Rin had to strain his ears just to pick up what his friend had said.

Rin blinked at Makoto’s words. “Haru? Mad at you? That’s impossible,” the red head said shaking his head. He couldn’t imagine it. Even he couldn’t find himself being mad or hating the brunette. He could be sometimes irritating – only by a little – but he couldn’t stay that way towards him for too long. No one can.  Makoto was too nice – even by normal standards – too likeable, too angelic to warrant such a negative emotion from anyone. He really couldn’t picture Haru being mad at Makoto, all the more hating him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2014 ⏰

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