chapter six

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I got up early to take my shower do my hair and natural light make up and I ate I was just heading into the bathroom to brush my teeth when my phone rang I levitated it towards me when I looked at my phone I saw it was a txt from my parents : have a great day we love u ♥ : luv u 2♥ I sent back and proceded to get ready I put on my outfit which consists of my favorite knifes my enhanced pepper spray and of course my clothes which were lets just say you would remember me . I hopped on my bike and headed to school . When I got there everyone turned to look at me I got off my bike and walked into the school when I got in there I headed to the office to get my schedule . When I walked out of the Office I headed to my chemistry class when I got in there the teacher looked at me an scowled oh goodie i got stuck with the only human

Only she didnt know I could hear her . " your name bitch "?I walked over to her and grabbed by her throat and threw her into the wall its ash not bitch with that I walked to the back of the classroom and took a seat . My day proceded quickly I was now in 7th period we were in th middle of drawing when the door flew open and hunters stormed in everybody get down we all got to the floor . They closed the door now I want you to tell me were your pack is hiding the wwpa officer I sneezed and one of the hunters looked at me . " a human huh well he said looking at me why dont you and I  have some fun he says " "ok " I say and seductively crawl over to him I stand and wrap my arm around his neck and and wisper in his ear how bout we not I say and grab my knifes slice his neck and sink my teeth into his neck and wrip his head off the other hunters are running towards me and I look at them and my eyes turn purple as my witch comes out and my hands start burning before I was holding a fire ball everyone was stirring at me" you really shouldnt mess with innocent wolves I say " " your evil " the hunter in front of me says " no im wicked " I growl before I continue wripping their heads off the last one  runs out the room and out the school but im faster an I quickly shift and tear him to peices . I shift back to my human form and turn around well this is gonna be hard to explain .

I'm only human ....... Not reallyWhere stories live. Discover now