Chapter 17: Preparations

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Year 1868

- Hey, Haru?

Rina's voice broke the silence of the dark chamber in the Suzaku castle. It was already two in the morning, and there she was, hanging from the window of Haruna's room at one of the castle towers.

Finally locating the princess just when she looked back at her, Rina realized something had gone wrong that night. She pulled herself up to the open window and climbed inside, carrying nothing but a small knife strapped to her waist that she usually had with her. Haruna was sitting on the floor on the opposite end of the room, next to the door, still dressed in the red and white training garbs that Rina knew she had worn earlier that day in sword practice.

There were clothes and other belongings scattered all over the room, as if a tornado had just passed by, solely inside of that chamber. It was then that Rina realized Haruna had her very real sword in her hands, just hidden by the shadow. The room was incredibly dark, only the moonlight from outside letting Rina's trained eyes study the situation.

A bunch of the dresses that Haruna had were now cut and ripped in tiny pieces, all over the floor around her massive bed. Just what had happened this time, Rina still had no idea, but she could see it hadn't been any of the common occurrences. No, this was new.

- What happened? - she asked, and watched as the princess simply laid her head back, touching it against the wall behind her, closing her eyes - I was waiting for you at our checkpoint, I've been there for over an hour-

It was then that Rina finally noticed, the thing that ripped her voice away from her. There was a large dark bruise on Haruna's face, taking up a good portion of her right cheek. Whatever it had been, it looked like it hit her in the eye as well. It looked quite swollen. Was that from practice? For some reason, she doubted it... It didn't really look to her like that was a bruise one could get from being hit with blunt swords or even wooden ones by accident during practice.

Not really sure about how to proceed, but still wishing to find out what happened to her friend, Rina walked over and crouched in front of the princess, watching her cautiously. She didn't even know what this was yet, but her fingers were trembling. She didn't even know anything, but she was already becoming so angry.

- Haru, please tell me what happened.

A few moments of silence passed, but Rina knew it was just Haruna gathering her thoughts before answering. It had happened before.

- I'm giving up on the plan. - the princess said, finally looking straight into her eyes. - I'm sorry I left you waiting there alone, I shouldn't have. I'll make it up to you, I promise.

- Ok... - Rina was at a loss - Why?

- I can't. I can't leave anymore, Rina. Not now.

- Please tell me why. - Rina insisted, now properly sitting down in front of her friend. Right then and there, Haruna looked just so small. She was short and Rina was already growing taller than her even with their age difference, but right now it wasn't just a matter of height. Haruna looked small in more than one sense of the word, and that simply wasn't something that Rina could say she had seen before. It was starting to make her terribly nervous. - You've been talking about running away from this city for over a year now. What happened to make you change your mind now that there is a migrating dragon that could help us do it?

- She actually hit me this time, Rina. - the princess said almost devoid of emotion, her eyes empty. - I never thought she would have the guts to hit me, but then, my father isn't home. Maybe I should have seen it coming.

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