The Letter That Haunts Me

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"I can't believe you convinced me to come to this bloody event with you." Roger huffed finding more entertainment pulling his hair out strand by strand instead of walking around a shop small enough to brush up against someone with weird women staring at them. Choosing to pick the dirt from under his nails rather than pay an ounce of attention to the vendors selling strange necklaces claiming protective spells had been put on them or dolls that stared further into his soul than Roger was comfortable with.

It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon. Birds chirping, flowers almost fully bloomed as they moved through spring and got closer to summer, and the sun lighting up the sky. Not a cloud out today just a nice breeze to help cool sun kissed skin. A perfect day for laying around and doing nothing. Instead Roger had been dragged to a paranormal event at a little shop near Freddie's flat. Freddie having heard about it from a few friends at uni.

Roger wanted to thank them personally for ruining his entire Saturday. He could have been doing so many other things right now. Creating another killer drum solo for the song he had been working on, thinking about finishing the homework assigned by his bio professor and not doing it, hell even catching up on the sleep he missed.

Freddie waved him off, running a black painted finger nail over different fabrics. "Oh, please Darling. We both needed to get out and anyway this could be fun. Now stop pouting you're giving even the spirits a fright let alone the poor vendor lady who looks like she's been killed and brought back by your stare." With a click of his tongue he went back to focusing on picking out a top not caring one bit about the strange looks he was getting from women passing by. It was a cute top.

"Whatever." Roger muttered walking further down the tight aisle to look at beautiful crystals and stones hanging from string instead of silver or gold. One of his hands went to reach for a jewel, a larger one the back a gray with the inside colored in bursts of purples, blues, and greens. Someone lightly smacked his hand away, but that didn't stop him recoiling back like he had been burned.

"Don't touch. I can't have your energy in my stones. It's bad for business." The women, a middle aged lady wearing a comfortable black dress shirt snipped. Her hair braided to the side, makeup simple but still there and her nails long, painted a beautiful coral color.

"... energy? Listen lady I don't..."

"I know you don't believe," she scuffed as if offended she wouldn't already know he didn't believe in spiritual or the supernatural. "It's written all over that grump face of yours. That doesn't mean the rest of these people don't and I don't want them contacting me they have bad energy. Lord know no one needs your bad mojo."

Roger opened his mouth, ready to rip this lady a new one when Freddie came up behind him with an overdramatic gasp. "Oh darling, these are beautiful!" Reaching out to touch the same stone Roger's fingers had almost touched. The woman said nothing. Just smiled sweetly at Freddie and explained the stones meaning and protection. Roger had to bite his tongue to keep himself from making a scene and having to deal with the wrath of an angry Freddie Mercury later on.

"Darling, you really need to stop that. You'll age much quicker and we can't have you ruining that beautiful face." Freddie winked leading the other man towards the back of the shop where few people were. There was a psychic giving a reading to a young woman who looked barely out of school. Whatever the psychic was saying seemed to have the girl in pure shock and tears. Hand coming up to wipe the stray tear that dared to fall.

She didn't look like what people assumed psychics would. Her wrists weren't covered in bracelets, no crazy earrings or hair wrapped in a bandanna. Her hair was a dyed burgundy color, pulled back into a bun with bangs framing her face. Green eyes sharing sympathy for the women she was talking to. Wearing a fitted dress that came a few inches above her knees in a simple black color. She wore a cuff earring with a moon hanging and the other earring a simple moon.

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