And Now I Have You

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"Farrokh, where are you going now?"

The table lay set and ready for a family meal. Glasses set, plates ready, and utensils all in their correct places. The smell of home cooked food wafted through the small home. Waiting for the family of four to sit and eat. Mostly in silence as that seems to be the common theme if Freddie actually cared to stay and eat.

"Out, Mama. I'll be back later. Don't wait up." The young boy grabbed his coat that hung up near the door, giving his mother a kiss. "And it's Freddie now, Mama."

"You can't spend time with your family, you are barely ever home, and now you can't have a meal with us. What is going on with you, Farrokh? We did not raise you this way." Bomi, his father, scolded from the doorway. Just having come home from work. "Good thoughts, good words, good deeds that's what you should aspire to."

Freddie moved, glaring daggers at his dad. The man who had tried to groom him into someone he didn't want to be. "And look at how that worked for you," It was a bite and he knew he would hear about it once home, but it's not like he'd be staying there for much longer.

Slamming the door closed, he left with jacket in hand. Trying not to meet the gaze of his mother and sister who he knew would be disappointed in his disrespect.

He tried not to care.

The boy was going out once more, hoping tonight would be the night he would find his soulmate. After many failed attempts at finding 'J' he was starting to believe they never existed to begin with. Maybe his parents inked him so he wouldn't be left out and just made up the story of how he got his soul mark. It wasn't unlikely seeing as many parents practiced it. Not wanting their children to be seen as abnormal to the rest of the world.

Walking down the pavement to this favorite pub, he thought about his soulmate. If they did exist to begin with. What would they be like? Would they like music and dancing like him? Maybe play in instrument? Would they support him in his journey of creating his own band or would they tell him it was a waste like his father?

Freddie hoped they would be happy with who he was and wouldn't judge him based solely on appearance. Still extremely self conscious about his teeth since he was made fun of since the children around him could talk and he could understand what they were saying.

Fuck them if they didn't love him for his teeth.

Pushing the doors open he moved quickly towards the pub and ordered a drink, sitting back against the bar and scanning the room. No one caught his eye nor did he find the instant pull everyone had talked about. All he found were other soulmates dancing, holding hands, or talking at the bar.

It bothered him.

"Good evening everyone," what he wasn't expecting was for a band to come walking up on the stage. The guitarist confidently strumming to make sure he was all in tuned. Whoever the lead was wasn't that impressive, bland really and he couldn't see how anyone could be drawn in by such a boring band. "We're Smile and we'll be performing for you tonight." The brunette smiled towards the crowd but it didn't quite reach his eyes. "We've got Larry on guitar, I've got bass and will be singing tonight, and of course our new rocking drummer."

That's when he first caught his eyes. The blonde was quite beautiful. From where he was sitting he could tell he was quite small, smaller than Freddie himself. Locks long and shaggy and blue eyes piercing through the crowd. The stage lights creating his own halo.

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