liL Bean Bean runs away

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lil beanbean was tired of the words his mother called him so he played out the idea to run away, that's exactly what little bean bean did. His mom could care less where he went, she was always asleep anyways what was the point then. Lil bean bean hid in the forest with the babadook

 Lil bean bean hid in the forest with the babadook

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"THE BABADOOK IS MY FRIEND" Lil bean bean said. After these tired events they got some ice cream(i don't know where they got it from just go with it) Lil bean bean didn't like BABADOOK anymore so killed BABADOOK with his exotic beans. RIP BABADOOK YOU WILL BE MISSED........NOT!!!!- love Lil Bean Bean

NOT!!!!- love Lil Bean Bean

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2019 ⏰

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