chapter one

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This chapter is dedicated to the guy at my school that I have no idea how to approach. You make me sort of believe in romance all over again.


Chapter One


July - Summer Break

"Fuck you mom!"

"Don't give me that language, Cara Rochelle Karamakov!", my mother who doesn't know shit about life yelled at

"That was the last straw Cara. I am sick of your shi-- immature behaviour."

'What are you gonna do, huh mother?", I said provoking her while hooking my bra strap back on, but I kinda regret provoking her though because I think I'm going to be fucked.

"I am taking you with me next semester. No but's, no if's. It is my final decision. I'm going to take you with me to Karamakov Institute and you're going to continue your Junior year there and completing your Senior year as well."

Today is the fucking day I have to say goodbye to my Manhattan life and move to stupid Los Angeles. I can't believe mother was actually serious about this, I just can't. I mean, she could have just given me one more last chance, but then again, I can't blame her for being that furious, she just witnessed her daughter half naked with a boy almost fucking each other using her bed, but then in my defence I was on pot so at that moment I could not care less of what or who I'm doing. To be honest with you, I'm confused, I've done so many bad things like I got kicked out of three schools, got arrested for various mini crimes that I have commited and I've been clubbing all the time getting drunk and stoned, but not once did my beloved mother threathen to move me to her boarding school, I don't get how almost having sex with a guy caused her to make that decision. Why now?

I hop unto the tarmac and made my way to the private plane mom ordered for me.

"Miss Karamakov, do you not have any luggage with you?" the flight attendant who's a bit shorter than I asked,

"What the fuck! Are you stupid? Of course I do have some luggage, they're in the fucking car, do you expect me to get them for you? That is your job not mine" I went full on bitch mode, poor girl, but the expression on her face was priceless, she was completely shocked and insulted, I could tell shes frozen as she just stood there with her mouth open, "What are you waiting for? I wanna get going already! Get it!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I momentarily watched her get my bags, I let out a small chuckle and climbed unto the plane, fucking have to be in the air for six whole hours. I placed my handbag unto the desk, and a hot sexy boy caught my eye, he was tall with ash blonde hair, his olive skin emphasized his features, I scanned my eyes up and down his body, in fairness, he was pretty built, I licked my lips, I want him.

"Hey you!" I seductively called out,

"Yes miss?" he said in such a deep, husky tone

I got up and walked towards him, I went a bit closer towards his ears, put my arms around his neck and whispered, "You're sexy... Kiss me."

In that moment, his lips crashed unto mine, I knew he couldn't resist me. I pinned him down on the nearby chair, I sat on his lap quickly and wrapped my legs around him, then I kissed him again... this time fiercely and full of lust. I grabbed his lucious hair, gripping the soft strands in between my fingers, I deepened the kiss as minutes passed, I bit down on his lips as a way to enter his mouth, I explored his mouth using my tongue and as soon as he caught the drift, he tongued me too and in that moment our tongues were in sync. I teased him giving him soft nibbles down his ear making him want me more and it worked, he let out a small moan which I think was the most cutest moan I've ever heard a guy made, fuck this guy is amazing to make out with. He kissed my neck, sucking it hard, and as he did, I let out groans and moans, I unbuttoned his shirt and moved my fingernails up and down his toned body, as I did that, I kissed down his body and a few minutes later, I felt his hands explore the back of me, looking for my bra strap and once he found it, he unhooked it, he went under my shirt and grasped my tiny, petite boobs, I groaned harder. Oh this boy is making me insane. I kissed him back again, this time so hot and sexy that I just can't manage to stop making out with him. I got off him without taking my lips off his, I slid down his body, and unbuttoned his pants,

Ring, Ring, I grabbed my bag and hurriedly searched for it, I sat on the nameless boy's lap, it was my mom, I unlocked my phone and picked up,

"Hey mother" I greeted, almost out of breath,

"Cara, where are you?"

"Calm down mother, I'm on the plane now. On my way to LA."

"Good, so how's the plane ride so far?" I let out a small giggle, not because its quite ironic she's asking but because unknown boy kissed me on one of my soft spots and continued kissing me there, "stoppppp" I told him playfully,

"Stop what?" Oh shit, mom was still on the phone,

"Nothing mother. The plane ride is... erm... amusing and kind of fun." I said, "Anyway mom, I got to go. I think we're landing soon. We seem to be here quite early."

"I'll see you later then hun, take care, love you"

"Yeah mom. Bye."

I heard the pilot speaking saying that we have to fasten the seatbelt as we are landing now.

I turned to the boy who's still kissing every ounce of my skin and gave him a pouty look as a sign of, "Too bad we couldn't have gone further."

"Next time babe!" he said sounding so sure that there would be a next time,

"Afraid not. I only do people once, hot stuff." I told him, causing him to laugh

"I should have known. Jace, btw."

"Cara!" I got off him and started fixing myself up, got to look presentable going out of this train or my mother would hear about this in the papers and be all up in my grill.

The plane doors opened, I grabbed my bag and walked towards it, before getting off, I looked towards Jace whose still sitting on the seat,

"Thanks for that babe, see you around" I gave him a flying kiss and a seductive wink.

That was so damn juicy and good. Jace. What a great start in Los Angeles.


Sooooo, what do you guys think? Sorry if she's a bit like this... you'll see why, eventually. Like, share, vote and comment please. Constructive criticism welcome. thanks guys.

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