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That's it.

Today, I'm asking him out.

The first thought was on my mind when I hoped on the bus was to finally gathered up some courage and ask him out.

And I'm not chickening out today.

After taking a long deep breath, I stood up.

There are not many people on the bus today because it's saturday. Including the driver and bus conductor, there are only eight people here. It's a perfect opportunity. If I get rejected it would be in front of just a few pairs of eyes.

Standing up and brushing out the invisible dusts from my jeans. I slowly moved towards him. I can already feel myself sweating. I can hear my heart beating too fast.

As I was walking towards him, my gaze fell on his right wrist. On his watch, it's the same broken watch. The dial is cracked and it still shows 9:55.

Huh? Strange.

I shook my head and thought maybe I'm just making excuses so I don't have to ask him out.

I finally approached him and stand at front of his seat waiting for him to acknowledge me or just look at me so I can start a conversation. But when he didn't I spoke.


I think that "Hi" was too cheery.

But before I can say anything else his eyes moved from the window and fell on me.

I was right. They are brown. Beautiful brown.

A big smirk grow on his face and the next words that came out of his mouth sent a chill down my spine.

"You should not be able to see me"

That guy on the busWhere stories live. Discover now