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I set Y/n down on the bed an tucked her in, I grabbed a wet cloth and set it on her forehead. I sat on my bed waiting for her to get up "Y/n are you ok? Are you really sick?" I asked her some questions her face just got redder and redder. "I'LL SHUT UP BUT YOUR FACE IS REALLY RED!!!" I was super worried now! "Undyne probably has medicine! Maybe the inn too!" I quickly jumped off my make shift bed and sprinted to the Inn so I wouldn't get caught up in Undyne's anime. 

I got to the Inn almost throwing the door of the hinges "Mrs.! Do you have any medicine for colds!?" I asked the inn keeper she giggled "Give them soup and keep them on a comfortable surface make sure they are warm!" She smiled at me "Thank you miss inn keeper!" I ran out side skipping my way home

"Hey blue! Wanna see your bro score a kiss!" A monster ran up to me laughing holding a camera "What?" I questioned "Your bro kissed a girl!!" He exclaimed "What!? The magnificent Sans wishes to know what you are talking about! Show me!" He shoved his camera in my face I grabbed the camera holding it to my face...But what I saw.... Wasn't what I expected....

I saw a picture of Y/n and Papyrus in the echo flower patch, Y/n was lying on Papyrus' chest wide eyed.... Because-... He kissed her... Her face lit up a bright red... His had an orange color..... My.Own.Brother.Kissed.MY.Property..! My face had a shadow cast over it to the point you couldn't see my eyes... "Haha, he scored with a human too! A cute one at that! I thought he was gonna die alone! Haha!" It was like he wanted to rub this in my face! I slowly lifted up my knee threw my arms up with the camera in hands bashing the camera into my knee shattering it into a million pieces...

Warning next scene has gore and violence (AKA YANDERE MODE! ACTIVATE!)

I look up at the monster before me, his eyes wide staring at me in disbelief! "Hey! why'd you-" Before he could finish his sentence I teleported him to the forest. I smiled demonically He was trembling in fear, all I could do is laugh! "THEY CAN'T HERE YOU OUT HERE!!! HAHAHAHA! WE'RE TO DEEP IN THE WOODS! NOT EVEN LESSER MONSTERS COME THIS FAR OUT! SO SCREAM ALL YOU WANT I'LL JUST LAUGH!!" I stared down to his trembling body he was crying now too! "p-please no! My family! I can't leave them! My mother's sick right now!" I smiled and knelt down next to his face whispering in his ear "don't worry, she'll be put out of her memory soon enough.." He started crying worse saying things like 'he won't tell anyone if I let him go' and 'please don't hurt my mom!' I couldn't help but laugh. I teleported a knife from the kitchen and into my hands..

Meanwhile Paps POV

I just went to grab a knife to cut some vegetables up for soup for y/n but as soon as my hand touched it- IT WAS GONE!?

Back to Blue's POV

I started to slice his fingers off one by one revealing the bone~

*-1 hp*                

                                          *-2 hp*

                                                                                              *-3 hp*

*-4 hp*

It was lovely! I made sure he hand no fingers left besides the bones, him screaming in pain~ Music to my ears~ He had lovely little bunny ears! I sliced them off in one blow~! His eyes kept letting tears flow out! I summoned a spoon in my hand smirking at his as he reached up to touch the spot where his ears were..

Paps POV again

I went to taste test the soup with one of our metal spoons, just as the tip of the spoon touched the soup it vanished....AGAIN!! >:(

Sans' POV... yet again the pov switching...

I looked at the tip of the spoon it had burning hot soup on the tip of it! Perfect~! I gave him an insane smiled he just flinched "n-no! NO!!!" I dug the spoon in his eyes carving them out smiling "this is for my sweet~ sweet~ Y/n~!" I said over a low deep growl I looked at his HP he was still alive... "I tried to give you a quick and painless death!" I sighed, I started kicking his head until I heard a loud *CRAAACK* I looked down I had bashed his head in... His skulls broken now... Good... I grabbed his soul "Wow! Your a real fighter!" I giggled, I then started to shred his soul into tiny little pieces smiling at my new found hobby! He screamed with each tear (the ripping kind) of his soul each new piece that turns to dust~ just then his whole soul shattered.. If he had eyes the would be wide right now out of fear and shock. I laughed as his whole body turned to dust only leaving mangled clothes! I started skipping home~ Then I thought 'oh no! I don't want Y/n to see me like this!' I teleported to the bathroom taking off my battle body and washing it hoping in the shower to wash off the blood and dust. All I could think about was Y/n~ And the time she was in the shower~ I wish she could join me now~ I whispered under my breath "I love you Y/n.. No one will separate us my angel~"

SORRY! I'm sorry this chapters short! I should be able to write more this weekend I hope!

Oh no! Blue! What's gonna happen next? He saw you and Paps! Wha'ts gonna happen to Papyrus? Find out on the next chapter of YANDERE BERRY~!

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