Reason Number Two

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A big part on why I (I'm a girl, my dudes.) just don't go for girls, like, ever, is because this is where it gets confusing. If it's girl and guy, and you're not a RAGING feminist(I'm most definitely not a feminist) you pretty much mostly expect the guy to pay on your dates. Because, like, tradition, right? Or, like me, you've just been only dating guys your whole life so you've just gotten used to being paid for. Because, heck, all of my guys have paid for me. Even as friends. Cuz that's how it fucking goes, if you find someone polite and somewhat decent.

But then when it's two girls. WHO PAYS FOR WHO? Or do you both just pay for yourselves? Or does the more masculine girl pay, or does the girlier girl pay. Or what if you guys are the same, WHO PAYS? AND WHO ASKS OUT WHOOOOO?

See, my dudes, this is partly why I just don't get into this shit. It's way too confusing and I just don't wanna deal with it. Thankyouuuuuuuu.

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