Chapter I: Painless death

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"Cinderella, my favorite book, which appears to be the story of my life. I was supposed to be Elle, but turns out, I'm only Cinder."- I quoted my life.

I am invisible. Nobody ever noticed my existence, not even my real parents. All they ever talked about is Seung Moon, my younger brother. They would brag about how he got into college and got a bachelor's degree. I was nothing since the moment I stopped going to school when I was 15. It's not that I don't want to go to school, but that my family couldn't afford the tuition for us, so we made a choice, and I let him continue to acquire some more knowledge from school. I, on the other hand, had to work to support the family. My parents would sit there waiting for me to send home some money monthly. Seung Moon as well. He didn't have a job, neither is he getting one. He just sat there, playing online games with his friends, but mom and dad still loves him more than they love me.

That's the story of my life, I mean, my miserable life. But not the end of it. The beginning.
It was a stormy night. The night I felt suicidal. It's not everyday I don't feel suicidal, but the storm raises my suicidal feelings.

There I stood, on top of the the twenty feet building, about to end my life. I kept this journal for so long, it's about time I end it. Besides, even the pages are running out, how about me? Why am I still here? Shouldn't I be gone as well? I wonder every night.

I'm tired, from all the dramas I've been through. I work at a convenience store, but I was expected to send home $2,000 a month, while Seung Moon do nothing with his bachelor degree. But you know what's worse? The fact that I never complained about it to anyone. Not even a friend, not even family, no one. Or was it that I have no friends and family to talk to? I'm jotting down on my journal.
A few moments later, after jotting these down.

I stood up, hesitantly, wondering when would be a good time to jump down. Maybe I was waiting for someone to come and save my life, but I knew no one, and no one knows me. So I stood there, dumbfounded.

As I think back to the times where I've been abuse, the feelings of fear faded away in a flash.

I gather all the courage I've been storing this whole time and decided to say my last farewell to my misery.

The storm raging loudly in the air, thunder and lightning crashes down, making me feel more suicidal, so I stop hesitant and jump straight down.

There was a man walking by, he was wearing a grey hoodie, hands in his pocket.

"Move!!!!" I yelled, shutting my eyes, while falling.

He looked up, but my eyes were closed, so I didn't see the sight of him standing still, hands wide, ready to catch me.

'Thunk' The sound of me hitting the ground, I think. But there was no pain.

I slowly open my eyes, I was in his muscular arms, but couldn't see his face due to the raging storm.

"Are you crazy? What are you doing in this weather? Why did you save me?" I yelled at him instead of thanking him, but I was glad someone cared.

"N-no prob.....lem." He said then suddenly crashing down on the ground.

I throw away the journal in my hand and tried to call for help but all the stores are closed due to the harsh weather we're experiencing in Korea today.

There wasn't a store that is still open. Not even one.
But we were lucky enough, a car came by. So I yelled for help with all the energy I got.

The man in the car step down, he didn't want to who at first, but after seeing the man lying on the ground, he gasps shockingly.

"We have to get him to the hospital! Lend me your phone, please." I said, half crying. Blaming that guy in hoodie for saving my life.

The man stood there, shaking, while handing his phone to me. Then he fell on the ground. His face darkened.

The scene fades, I came crashing down as well.
When I got up, I wasn't on the street anymore. I think I might be in the hospital, receiving treatment and check ups.

But I knew that wasn't important. So I rushed out of my room, and went looking around the hospital for the man in hoodie.

He wasn't anywhere to be found, but then I saw the sight of a man. He was the one who fell down on his knees last night, the one who saved us. I knew that man in hoodie must be in the room in front of him.

"Sir, how is he feeling? Please tell me." I walk to him, eyes wide open, worrying about the man in hoodie.

"He's in there. You can come in. I don't have enough courage to do so." Then he sat back down, his body still shaking.

I knew it was better for someone to come and take care of him, so I went inside the room where that man is resting.

I sat on the armchair next to the patient's bed. He was there, resting. I finally get to see his face. It's quite manly, I admit. But I didn't let that get to me.

I was so frustrated, so I said, while hitting his chest lightly, "IDIOT! Who ask you to save me? You wouldn't have been laying here if you just walk away. Why? Idiot. Idiot. I hate you. Now I'm owing you my life." I kept hitting him until I felt my wrist being grabbed lightly.

"Did you know that hitting a patient in this condition will only make it worse?" He chuckles, his hand still holding my wrist.

"You—you're ok? Let me get the doctor." I tried to stand up, but he didn't let go of my hand.

"W-What are you doing? Let me call in the doctor while you're still conscious." I wriggle, trying to get out.

"Sit down, I'm fine. They already checked on me hours ago." He had a resting face while trying to speak.

"Stop talking. Your condition will only get worse. If you didn't save me, you wouldn't have been laying here, it's not my fault. Hmph." We met eyes.

"It's alright, I blame myself. Do you mind telling me why you're feeling this way?" He sit up, letting go of my wrist, patting my head as if he was trying to calm a mad animal.

"None of your business. As soon as we get out of this hospital, I'll find a way to pay you back. I don't have money now, but I will make sure to pay you back. I promise. For now, close your mouth and rest, will you?" I crossed my arms.

"You acted just like her." He chuckles.

*Chapter One ended just like that. How do you like it so far? Vote if you enjoy it, and don't if you don't like it or don't feel like it. It's optional. But thank you for sticking with me this far.

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