You're welcome:)

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I was a typical teen- college student.I was like an ordinary student that you could sometimes bump on the school’s hallway.I know myself to be down-to-earth.I don’t hang different  frills on me.I am feeling more comfortable in staying plain as I can be.I don’t have a lot of friends but I have few who have been true.My life was just like get-up-and-go.After school ,I went home immediately. I hang-out with my friends like a mainstream youngster want to do in weekends. Having all these things is what life ought to bring.But meeting someone on the road of my life is what I had been wanting for life to convey.

In the vein of the most teenagers,I also have this so- called man-of-my-dream that I am waiting every day to complete me.But,not like most youngsters ,my basis is not like the talked about gesture of tall,dark,and handsome.Looks can be deceiving.So,I pay heed on brain and attitude.The   guy that I am infatuated with was studying with the same school I was studying at.He was a transferee and we were already on the third level when I got to know about him.Crushing for me was just a past time.That after a couple of days it sooner fade.           But I can’t just believe that by this time.I had lost everything that I knew about Infatuation.Now,it seemed to be like Infatuation became a love in disguise.We were not formally introduced to each other.But I know him,and I don’t think if he knows me.He was my cousins’ cousin that’s why I came to see him before we’d meet.

Maybe,he knows that I am somebody to ask when he is in need of something.But I don’t think if he got to know even  my name.Whenever he passes by,I have this some-kind-of chill that shivers me that I want to last long until it lulls me to sleep.Every time I stare at  his eyes even for a second,I hold it on until the night.I want to make friends with him so that,I can’t no longer lurk in the hall way just to see him.So that,somehow I could also be beside him and listen to his stories too like what I have with my friends.One time,when I parked my self in the tranquility of the library I saw him in a fuss trying to catch for something.I was staring at him,wondering what might be the reason of his anxiety.He approached me.And as I saw him getting near to me,I feel like I need a single blow that will wake me up from my fantasy land.”Can I borrow your pen?”My pen?.Without having a single word,I just waked up in reality that my pen was not in my hand and he’s walking away.I gave him mine without even minding that I d on’t have extra for my self. But even then,I was not in need to have a pen that day because I didn’t do any thing but think about him during my classes.That moment filled my world with so much color that I couldn’t even recognize sad things around me.Everything was exquisite like I was on the cloud nine and my world had magnified.

It was another ordinary day ,I was walking in the school’s corridor when someone called my name.It was like my world had stopped revolving and my heart raced like I was getting near to the finish line.For just hearing  the soft voice approaching my ear,I know that it was him.”Thank you”he showed me the beam that seem to light up my whole existence.I can’t believe seeing him in that way.Standing in front of me and handing me my pen,and most importantly now he already know my name.It was like we’ve been friends but infact,we aren’t yet.”You’re welcome.”I said without wanting to look  grave for my usual reply.I had read about :Guys love someone who Is fun to be with.However,that reply turned out to be the start of our conversation that afternoon while walking home.He asked  me things about school and even asked for my mobile number.Walking with him that day was the best minutes of my life.I barely breath whenever he throw his eyes on me when I am talking.I worried if my voice was too low or shaking like my hands did.

We became friends.Sometimes,when we have nothing to do we exchange SMS.That’s why we got to know each other more.This is what I want life to make for me.This is my wildest fantasy-to be closer on him.And whenever I come to think this friend is a crush of mine.I thank God.

Then came a night and I received his phone call.I heard him crying.It seemed that his words are too large to come out from his mouth and too heavy for me to feel also.It was indeed what I supposed.His parents broke up.He is the eldest among the three siblings.And it it will be hard according to him to face life having higher responsibility.I gave him words he needed to hear that time.I told him to ask God’s guidance on this knd of situation.I was too glad that he trusted me his sort of confession.On the next day,when I met him,I don’t even talk about lastnight.I let my jokes and silly stories flood that day.And it was a success,for I don’t see him staring blankly and mourning with his self.Fortunately,days passed and he told me that his parents were okey.I was so much happy seeing him like he just received a medal.I know how it feels that way.Because as a child,I love to see my parents getting along with each other in a good way and completing the dinning table with them.By this time,that we have chummy relationship, I consider every day to be the best day.

My story was like that every simple thing just turned out to be something special whenever I am with him.My last year in college became more inspiring for me.He made me better than what I was before.And made me happy like there’s nothing for me to be scared of.I graduated as a Cum Laude.I witnessed how happy was he when he announced it on the school corridor.That he’s best friend is shabby and unfair of getting with her self alone to the top.That was ironic,he smiled at me seriously and told me how proud is he for what I had achieved for my self.If he only know how he inspired me to do that thing,how he had made my world completely alive,how he furnished my flaws in some-kinda way,and how I wished he’ll gonna be with me to stay.If only I could tell him how every thing just disappear whenever he’s in front of me.

The greatest day that we had wished for so long came.A day to rejoice our sacrifices and success.And a day also for me to bid goodbye on this friend of mine.After the ceremony,he approached me ,he handed me a card.

“What’s this?”my heart raced again like what had happened on the first time we talked.I feel cold.I am thinking of things that this card may be all about.I glanced at the card,paying a vision on it.This is an invitation card,made up of linen paper with a floral scent enveloping it.That was the first time that I had a bad dint towards him.I thought of how bad he could be as this for hiding us these thing that after grad he’s planning for a marriage.I thought that he was planning to make a step for his career first before getting changing his status.And for that it didn’t gave me the worst thing as he bid goodbye.I got home with my family.Our house was filled with so much joy.My family was so happy for  the thing that they dreamed for me had came into reality.And seeing those facede of excellent care and love  made me feel better that day beside the card that my friend and crush had given me.

Before ending the day,I opened it.Having these two objectives:To know who is the one he’ll gonna marry and I am his best friend I have to witness and be with him as he rejoice the momentous day of his life.But I was like waking up on a nightmare knowing what it was not a wedding invitation but a letter.A friend to a friend letter.He thanked me for all the things that I’d done for him.He made it special so that somehow,he told me that I can keep it and remember him for the rest of my life.How sweet was he.I shared it to my  closefriend-Aya.And she replied me something that I was so blind for not recognizing it,and so impervious for not even have the sense of knowing about it. My friend told me that she was so happy for me and his boyfriend for we have this kind of friendship.I closed my eyes and feel my tears rolling into my face.It’s hard to move on with this kind of story.In my whole entire living,even in movie I don’t even see someone running a life without even knowing what happen around.May be,I was so much concealed by knowing that my crush had been my best friend,that every day he tell me his story,that he misses and remember me and that I had been a part of his life too.Maybe,this thing with our common friend -Aya is the reason why he thanked me.I made friends with him,he made friends with her,I brought him near to his awaited love.

That was the love story I had during the last teen-ages of my life.And now that I’m grown enough I had learned that love don’t come in us  like the smooth blow of the wind but roughly.That Love is somehow not always a fairytale of magic but a world of uncertain things.And that,INFATUATION IS A LOVE IN DISGUISE.Now,Dave and I are still best friends.He had broked up with our friend after a year.But now,I don’t expect a love to come between us because it’s hard to be hurt again.Whenever,there is love,pain awaits.That is why,I told my self,that maybe I’ll live a life with destiny’s choice.But still ,those great memories and extra-ordinary happiness that I’d felt gave me the best lesson and experience of my life.

You're welcome:)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon