I'm your invisible love!!

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I wrote this  immediately after coming home frm the mall yesterday...Im dedicating this to my long term crush...cant reveal his name though... :) its not a poem in the true sense..bt i believ poems xpress ppl's feelings and so i think its my poem..my feelings...

PS: i hav dedicated this poem to my beautiful sweet lil sis Angelic_girl for making the lovely cover <3 love u darling :)


The mall was flooded with people...

We were taking random photos...

Everything was going perfectly normal...

When suddenly I felt something...

My heart beat...

It became faster and faster and faster...

Cool breeze blew around me...

My hair started dancing in the air...

I knew these symptoms byheart...

It happens everytime you come around me...

I turned and looked right into your eyes...

You were taking pictures of our classmates...

You asked me to pose for a picture...

I did as you told robotically...

Do you know how I feel when I see you?

Do you know how  I get tachycardias whenever you come near me?

Do you know how I forget everything when you look into my eyes?

Do you know how dumbfolded I become when you ask me something?

Do you know that I keep staring at you everytime?

Do you know how jealous I feel when I see you with the other girls?

Do you know how hurting it is when you treat me like a third person?

You took the picture and went away...

And I kept staring at your back like every other time...

I felt the familiar tight feeling I feel everytime you walk away from me...

All I could do was wipe the single tear that slid down my cheeks secretly...

Will I ever express my feelings for you?

Will you ever realise what you are to me?

Will you ever acknowledge my love for you?

Will I ever be able to get over you?

Will I ever be able to forget you?

I knew the answers already...






Because, Im not a drop dead beauty...

I'm fat, dark and ugly...

You are tall, fair and handsome...

I'm a nerd and you are a dude!!

Girls die over you and guys adore you...

Thousands of girls crush over you...

And Im just one among them...

But you are the lord!

I know you are just an outward beauty

That your inner soul is evil...

Yet I love you all the same...!

'Cos mine is an unconditional love!

Im imperfect on the outside and

You are imperfect inside...

We could complete each other

If only you stop by my side and notice me...

I can't change my appearance for you...

But I have a heart that beats only for you...

Always and forever will only love you...

With love,

Your invisible love...

I'm your invisible love!!Where stories live. Discover now