Author's Note and Disclaimers

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Hello to all my wonderful Ghost Readers! I hope you are all having a wonderful day today!

Despite what the name suggests, I do hope you will not just ghost through my story without a trace. Although if you do, I won't hold it against you, seeing as how I am pretty sure that I have done the same at least once before in the past.

However, if you do see a sentence, paragraph, or something that makes you feel some sort of way, please do not be afraid to write a comment or leave a vote. I always love reading them!

Although as my mother told me when I was small, "If you don't have anything nice to say please don't say anything at all!" If my writing offends anyone, I deeply apologize, however no one is forcing you to read my work, so don't be 'that person' and force me to delete your ignorant comments. Please and thank you!

Just to clarify, I am totally fine with comments against my characters though. I mean if I wrote them doing something stupid, like walking into a dark creepy alley at night after hearing that crime is on the rise in the neighborhood, then please do feel free to say things like, "Are you stupid!" Or, "Have you ever seen a horror film?" Those types of comments calling them out for being stupid are completely justified in my opinion! Just don't be a hater on my writing please.

All right, just a few more disclaimers before we start!

First, please don't copy my work. I take pride in my stories, and if your school system does not condone plagiarism than neither do I.

Secondly, and this is fairly obvious, but this is a work of fiction. And as such it is definitely not real. So any story line or character personality comes from my own ideas and thoughts, and doesn't hold any real sway or comparison over anything related to the real world or the real people out there living their awesome lives right now. This is solely a work of fiction.

Finally, I do hope you enjoy this story! But if you are re-reading, please don't spoil the plot in the comments for those who have yet to read, I would really appreciate it.

Now onto the story!

This story is written from two different points of view, and is three chapters long.

I know it's titled as an oneshot, and technically it is about one fixed moment in time, but my biggest problem with writing is my inability to stop writing once I start. So my oneshots turn into short stories, my short stories turn into normal stories, my normal stories turn into trilogies, and my trilogies turn into series... Ahh the joys of writing!

There are a few curse words and some violence in this particular story, so if anything like that bothers you, please be aware.

I hope you enjoy!


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