A Dream Prom

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It was Sunday Night, after reading my favorite book for the fifth time. My eyes felt tired, every time they closed it was more and more hard to open them back again. So, I turn off the light of the lamp in my bedside table and fall asleep two seconds later.  

I open my eyes, it was morning already. I couldn't believe it, as every morning after getting really to school I went to the coffee shop a few blocks down the house and in front of the school, grab a cup of cinnamon latte to go and started the day. When I open my locker on the way to take my book for the next class a note fall in front of my face like a feather. The note said:

 "Meet me at the front entrance at 2:45. Tyler"

Tyler was my boyfriend, I break up with him on Friday seen him hugging some girl. I didn't really give him the chance to tell me anything, I was so mad because he has all this "friend", that I don't like, it just that they are always on top of him, playing around with like I'm not there. I was so tired of it and just end it up. After I get the note I went to find my friend Selena by her locker. I show her the note and she said the I should go and hear what he has to say for himself.  

When I got there I saw so many people which there never is because they have left already. I tried to look for Tyler, but no sign of him. Out of all the people there, I saw Selena which was confusing since she has her own car and usually leaves early.  I ask her what was she doing there and that if she had seen Tyler around. For both of my question, she said to wait. 

Out of nowhere Baby Blue and White balloons in Tyler's hands, he was in a dark blue and white suit. He looked so handsome, people started putting me in a circle with him. letter with a message in people's hands said: "Will you give me the honor of coming to prom with me?"

He got in one knee and said the most beautiful things anyone has ever told me. He said that I was the love his first love. That he know why he was mad at him and that no matter how many "friends" he has, I'm the only girl that he could ever have eyes for. All this melt my heart, how could I say "No" to this gesture. When I got home there was a box in the front porch. I when inside, opened the box and there was the most beautiful dress that I have ever seen. I closed my eyes for a second when I open them again everything went white. The next thing I know, I'm in my bed. Everything was, " A Dream Prom".

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2019 ⏰

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