Episode 2

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The man that was named Chanyeol took you to your room but before he left he decided it would be fun to have a conversation with you

" I open you know. We're not your friends, no matter how nice we may be, your just another girl we held captive"

"I never wanted to be any of your friends anyways" you say in disbelief

" And also watch out for Suho he likes girls like you" he chuckles and leaves leaving you in shock

"Why did they have to take me"You think to yourself as you look around the gorgeous room

"Such a nice room for a girl they kidnapped" you say out loud hoping someone would hear you but none of them cared

You sigh as you sit on the bed only to notice a small red blinking light in the corner of the room hidden

.....a camera

"How am I supposed to change now knowing they are watching me..." you whisper and look away from the camera, you could feel and smirk behind it of the mouth Kim Jongin the leader of this gang

"Kai likes to see people suffer, Chanyeol it to honest and Suho likes girls like me.... interesting" you think and run your finger through your hair frustrated

You decide to take a better look around the room since they said you will be here for awhile

The room is really big and has a decently big window but sadly it's locked so you can't escape, you have a bathroom but who knows maybe they are watching you in there to

Hours later you hear a loud knock in your door and it swings open

"Come on its time to eat" Chanyeol says looking straight at you

"I'm not hungry" you turn away from him

You can't eat here not now atleast I mean they just kidnapped you

"Then starve" he says

"Yeah atleast I won't have to stay here if I die" you whip your head in his direction

"Suit yourself" he leaves slamming the door

The red blinking light in the camera starts blinking again which mean they are watching you. You sit down on the bed and begin to cry. You wanted to go home

The blinking on the lights stop and you hear someone coming up the stairs of the house

The door opens revealing Kai

"You going to eat" he starts walking closer to you

"I'm not hungry..." you were hungry but you didn't want to eat their food

"I'll bring your food up here then don't eat with us" he says not smiling but not sounding annoyed

"But I'm not hun-" he cuts you off

"I didn't ask if you were hungry I'm still going to bring your food up here" he leaves without shutting the door

Why does he sound worried.... oh wait he doesn't want me to die.

A few minutes later you hear someone coming up the stairs

But it wasn't Kai it was another man ..shit what was his name

"Here's your food" the man puts the food on the desk in the room and waits for you to go by it

"I'm still not hungry "

"Boss said to make sure you eat so I can't leave until you do" he says not budging

"Fine but just go I know there cameras anyways"

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