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Roscoe jumped up from his sleep hearing loud banging at the front door, the loud sound also woke Rose up.

She sat up in the bed frightened, "Stay in here," Roscoe ordered sliding his jeans over his boxers. Roscoe saw Diane was also up due to the loud knocking. Roscoe nodded toward the room, she disappeared shutting the door behind her.

Roscoe went to the door then the red and blue police lights caught his attention. He checked his pants making sure he have no dope on him before opening the door.

"How can I help you?" Roscoe asked the two officers that were at the door.

"Is Rose Jackson here?" One officer questioned, Roscoe grew puzzled.

"What is this about?" He asked.

"Her father,"


"Breathe baby," Roscoe said now fully dress with Diane and Rose. Rose was having a breakdown on the way to the hospital, she didn't have any information yet but she was thinking the worse.

She took a deep breath to calm herself but it wasn't working, her thoughts were overwhelming her. Roscoe felt so hopeless, he couldn't help his girl in the time of need. He followed the cops to the hospital until they arrived.

Rose froze her nerves were all over the place. Roscoe turned off the engine and turned to Rose.

"I'm here," He said placing his hand in her lap, she turned to him with her red puffy eyes with tears falling down her beautiful face. His heart broke at the sight, he reached over and wiped away the tears.

"You ready?" He asked after she took ten minutes to calm down. She nodded, he reached for his door but she stopped him.

"What's wrong?" He asked puzzled looking back at her.

"I love you, Roscoe." She confessed staring deep in his eyes. Diane smiled at the confirmation, she already knew they were in love but it was clear this was their first time confessing it.

Roscoe paused. Rose smile sadly, "You don't have to say it back because I said it. I just want you know before it's too late," She commented. Roscoe opened his mouth to reply, he knew if he confessed his love then it would make it true which made him afraid but knew how he felt about Rose.

"I love you too baby," He confessed causing chills to go through both of their bodies. Her saddened eyes gleamed hearing those words leave his lips. She leaned in for a kiss, he also leaned in until their lips pressed on one another's.

"I'm ready now."

Rose followed the officer to her father's room. She squeezed Roscoe's hand tightly for strength. She slowly entered the silent room which the ventilator beeped quietly. She swallowed her tears when her eyes landed on her father who was laying in the hospital bed on the ventilator. She placed her makeup free face in Roscoe's chest, he wrapped her arms around her as her tears soaked his t-shirt.

The doctor sadly looked at the girl who was having a breakdown. She read David records and knew he had recently lost his wife and only had one daughter.

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