Chapter 15: The End

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Lugging my bag out of the boot, I eyed the house warily. It had large blue weatherboards and white windows, paint chipped off in places. The veranda that began the entrance and went on around the back of the old farmhouse still had grape vines climbing around it, providing some shade from the countryside's heat. And currently on the steps of the veranda talking to my brother, was the stern woman that I would call my Aunt.

Aunt Hilda, otherwise known as my late grandma's sister, was just I pictured her to be. With her mouth set into a permanent frown and her arms crossed, she stared at my brother with hawk eyes as he explained the situation. There were more defined lines on her forehead and around her mouth. And her dark hair, wild and curly, was accented with white strands.

As if sensing my eyes on her, she shifted her gaze to me and her frown deepened. Muttering a few words to Eddie, he threaded a hand through his hair and his expression became desperate. The sight of my brother begging this woman sickened me. It was common knowledge that our relationship with her was not good. Yet, to see her outright refuse his request to let me stay under her care, fueled the old grudge between she had with us and our my late parents.

Edward must have said something convincing for she sighed and nodded her head stiffly once. Now looking revealed, my brother shook her hand before handing her the white capsule bottle. It contained the meds I now needed to take three times daily.

The moment we had stepped into New Zealand, Eddie had arranged a meeting with my old doctor. And for the next two days of physiological analysis, it was evident that my situation had gotten worse. So back on medication, my days went by slightly dosey while constantly having my ear blown off by a furious Ollie. While I knew the medication will overtime cause Ollie to disappear, the thought of him leaving me again broke my heart. I will have no one then.

"I've managed to convince Hilda to let you stay for a few months," Eddie announced, now in front of me next to the rented car. The word 'months' did not bother me anymore. Having argued about it the entire flight home, it was decided that I'd stay here in the middle of nowhere, out of the public eye and beyond phone reception, until my situation died down and my mental state recovered.

"What's the catch?" I asked him while staring at her while she did the same with us. I knew full well that she didn't accept my brother's request to let me stay out of the goodness of her heart. No, she was getting something in return. Was it money? My brother sighed and threaded his hand through his hair again, obviously stressed.

"You are to help her in the fields."

Aunt Hilda is notorious for her farming of organic kumara (sweet potato) and squash around here. She takes a lot of pride in it. Even to the extent that she farms the field herself. The fact that she is allowing me to help with the harvest, is a surprise in its self. Knowing her, she probably has a hidden agenda in all of this. Most likely, she will take pleasure in me dying in this heat, while having the chance of chewing my ear off about how horrible my father was.

Refusing Edward's hug, I watched him leave down the rental car down the long dirt track. This place, being the only house for miles, meant that any idea of escaping was futile. So, feeling abandoned, I slumped my bag over my shoulder and dragged myself over to her, still on the steps of the veranda. She gave me a once over before asking what my name was again.

"Honey? What kind of name is that?" She asked, her lips pursed when I gave her no answer. A little ticked off at my silence, she held up the capsule of meds my brother gave her. "So you're sick, huh?"She rattled the bottle before narrowing her beady eyes at me. "That figures. Having a father like that, it is no wonder. Well, don't just stand there! Come in already," She stormed inside and I had to mentally count to ten to stop myself from lashing out at her.

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