Chapter 3 ~Enemy Attack~

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The rest of the day went past in a blur, I cleaned and repaired anything that was necessary, which is mainly referring to my guns, but I think I had them sorted out now.

I checked over the clothes I was going to wear, which were usually always the same thing, my marrone leather outfit, but, it protects me from the galaxy, kind of acts like an astronauts gear, but less bulky and more stylish. It's very durable and doesn't break.

I also checked my helmet to see if it was intact, I placed the clip behind my ear and pressed the button, a click rang through the air, and mechanical slides fell into place.

"Perfect." I clicked it again and is disarmed, I placed it on the bench and walked towards the cock pit, looking out.

Yondu's men finished placing the extra wings onto my ship, I would still be mad, but honestly, my ship looks sick as fuck.

I sat down and placed my hands behind my head. I sighed and closed my eyes. Thinking about all the units ill get tomorrow.

Drowsiness started to overcome my senses and I was on the brink of falling into a deep sleep.

Until I heard a crash outside in the garage, my eyes jerked open and I saw a dozen black ships opening fire at the cargo and at some of Yondu's men's ships.

The Milano started to take some damage aswell. I panicked and pushed down on the intercom button.

"Yondu, Yondu! What's going on?!" I yelled, it was all static on the other end but I still managed to understand his voice.

"Peter! Get out of 'ere! Get the parcel and they will tell you where to go from there!" His voice strained, with that I pulled the lever and the Milano roared to life.

The new wings installed had been placed into the ships system so I was able to control their movement.

I pushed the steering wheel forward and I zipped out of Yondu's ship without a scratch.

The speed of the Milano had been so strong it had actually flipped over some of the enemies ships, causing them to collide into each other.

I concentrated on getting a far distance from Yondu's fortress, to avoid being shot at, but I felt terrible, I'm letting the man who "saved" me, potentially die. But I had to go and complete this mission. I set the coordinates in for Knowhere and I didn't dare to look back.


I had spent an hour steering my ship into the right direction. But I had gotten tired and decided it was time for a nap, I switched the steer to autopilot and I unbuckled my seat belt.

I stood up and stretched, and walked over to the latch in the floor, I opened it and when down the ladder leading to my room.

I couldn't see a thing, I felt around for a light switch and flicked it. The darkness faded and I was able to see my pigsty of a room.

Things had fallen on the floor and the blankets on my bed were tangled up. Sighing, I started to pick up the junk of the floor, placing back on bedside tables or shelves, when I was done with that, I went to fix my blankets.

I flipped them up on the air, but I heard a crash on the floor, I walked around my bed.

"Oh fuck." I said gritting my teeth, my Walkman had fallen, I crouched down to pick it up and inspect it.

I placed the headphones on and clicked the button.

Hooked on a feeling, Blue Swede.

'I can't stop this feeling

Deep inside of me

Girl, you just don't realize

What you do to me

When you hold me

In your arms so tight

You let me know

Everything's all right

I'm hooked on a feeling

I'm high on believing

That you're in love with me'

I smiled and fell down onto my bed. These two things were the only items I could remember my mother by, she made me the mixtape, I still remember when she gave it to me. I actually cried because we couldn't afford much.

With that thought. I closed my eyes and feel asleep to the sweet sound of Blue Swede.

Hooked On A Feeling (Peter Quill)Where stories live. Discover now