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Siddharth's Point Of View°°°

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Siddharth's Point Of View

I was released from the hospital after two days. My right hand had to be put in a sling because of the injury on my back. It was extremely irritating but I couldn't help it. That day Dad, who had finally forgiven me, had thrown a party since I was returning home.

I was searching a for a perfect dress to wear while Aisha was wearing her earrings. She wore a beautiful backless blue gown with a perfectt pearl necklace making her look like a perfect princess.
"What am I supposed to wear?!", I said completely exhausted as I looked through the various tuxedos and blazers I had.

Aisha sighed and came and stood beside me. She immediately pulled out a blue tuxedo with an off white shirt.
"There you go Thanos.", She said placing them on the bed.
"Thanks.", I mumbled as I picked the shirt up immediately realising that I couldn't wear it alone. My right hand was in the sling. 
I slowly t the shirt I was wearing, and hurted myself.
"Ouch!", I shouted in pain giving up.
"You know Mr. Thanos, you have a permanent nurse for yourself here so stop trying stunts.", Aisha said finally looking away from the dressing table. She looked like the perfect girl I'd ask for a dance in a party.

Exceedingly hot but gracious.

She immediately walked up to me and slowly opened the sling as she held onto my hand. She slowly released it as she started unbuttoning my shirt.
I winced.
"Don't worry I'm not seducing you.", She said with a smile.
" I-I know.", I mumbled turning red.
She slowly removed the shirt from my body and made me wear the off white colour shirt. She carefully made me wear the blazer on it.

"Wait.", I said immediately after this.
She looked at me with a raised brow.
"I will do the trousers myself.", I said as she started laughing.
"I was not going to embarrass you in any ways mister.", She said placing a hand on my left shoulder. I drew in a sharp breath as she immediately removed her hand looking down.

"I'm sorry.. I'm going down. I'm sending a servant for you.", Saying so she immediately left.
It was suddenly a little awkward between us, I didn't know why..
After around fifteen minutes I was ready and I walked down the stairs to the party.

I joined Aisha who was in a deep conversation with Gaurav and Aditi.
"Hey guys!", I said placing a hand on Gaurav's shoulder.
"Oh boy! So good to see you!", He said giving me a side hug all thanks to my hand.
"Same here.", I said with a smile as I suddenly heard a known voice,
"Hi Aisha!", I turned sharply to find Varun along with his current girlfriend, Naira.
He was wearing a black suit along with Naira who wore a beautiful pink gown.
"Hello Sid.", He said raising his left hand for a handshake.
I shook his hand with my free hand.
"How's are you Sid?", Naira asked with a mild smile.
"I'm okay.", I stated looking at Varun with contempt.
"You look good Varun. ", Aisha said walking up beside me.
Varun looked down smiling and said,
"Thanks, but your husband looks better.", He said with a smile.
"Flattering me, are you?", I asked with a smirk.
"No, Sid-", he was cut off by dad who suddenly started announcing on the mic.

"Today, this party is for my handsome son, Siddharth Goenka on his becoming the new CEO of the Goenka Industries.", He said as claps erupted in the hall.
I had not expected this announcement as I merely smiled back at Dad.
"Congrats!", Gaurav said giving me another side hug.
"Thanks..", I said as I felt extremely elated.

"I now invite all the beautiful couples to join in the waltz.", Dad said as he turned off the mic. I merely smiled as everyone joined into the ball. I could not dance, of course.
Just then I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"You don't want to dance?", Aisha asked in a voice lower than a whisper.
I smiled sarcastically.
"With a broken hand? You want to embarrass me..?" I asked with a smirk.
"No.. I want to dance with the famed Bad Boy.", She said edging closer to me as she held out her hand in front of me.
"How will you dance with me? My hand-", she placed a finger on my lips.
"You talk too much. That will be my concern, Mr. Goenka.", She said removing the finger with a wink as I sighed.
I placed my hand on hers as she took me towards the dance floor.

Why did she do this? Why was she just so good?
I thought as we walked towards the dance floor.


Author's note:
What do you think about this chapter?
Why do you think Aisha is soo good to Sid..?

Tell me in the comments section.


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