Wait For You

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Jordan's POV - Flashback to high school

I walked in and my eyes immediately landed on Y/N sitting in the small table in the back corner. She had a pencil in between her teeth as she flipped back and forth between pages in her biology textbook. She looked adorable studying hard. I walked up to the counter and ordered two iced coffees. I paid the barista and walked towards Y/N with a cup in each hand.

I cleared my throat, instantly making Y/N look up at me. "I thought maybe you could use a break." I handed her favorite iced coffee.

She pulled out the pencil from between her lips and smiled at me. "Thank you," she grabbed the cup and took a sip. Her smile grew wider. "Want to join me?"

I pulled out the chair across from her and sat down. "Studying for Mr. Smith's exam?"

She nodded. "It's so hard. His exams stress me out. I ready to pull my hair out," she groaned. "I don't know how I'll pass this exam."

"Well, why don't we study together? How about tomorrow night? We can even grab a quick dinner before," I suggested, hoping she would take the hint. Her shoulders dropped as she looked down at her cup. She fiddled with the straw. I let out a heavy sigh as I realize she wasn't going to accept this date... again.

"Hey," I whispered and placed my hand on top of forearm. She slowly looked up at me and I could see the hurt and pain in her eyes. She didn't have to tell me she's been hurt before and who ever broke her heart, definitely did a number on her. She still carried that pain with her and her heart wasn't completely healed yet.

"Y/N, I like you." She bit her bottom lip. "I know you're not ready and I have no doubt you're scared as hell at the possibility to love someone else again, but I think you could use someone like me. So, take your time because I'll wait for you. No matter how long I have to."


I shook my head and interrupted her. "It hurts sometimes, ya know? Every time my phone lights up, my heart stops for a second wondering if maybe it's you. But it's okay, because you're definitely worth the wait."

"I don't know how long that'll be and I don't want to waste your time, especially when I know there are so many other girls who are interested in you," she said.

"None of them interest me," I said honestly as I looked at her directly in the eye.

"Jordan," she whispered. I could hear the fear in her voice. "I, um, we-"

I leaned forward and kissed her cheek before I got up from my seat. I pushed the chair back in and smiled at her. "I'm not gonna rush you. Hell, we can keep it causal if you want. Just know, I got all the time in the world for you."

Based On A True Story - Jordan Baker Mini-SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now